n. 永恒;永生;不朽;(似乎)无穷无尽的一段时间 >> 例句

    n. (同一事物的)不同种类,多种式样;变化;(植物、语言等的)变种,变体;多样化;综艺节目;品种;多变性;异体>> 例句
    1. There are a variety of paths that we can walk on.

    n. 奢侈,奢华;奢侈品;享受>> 例句
    1. Not making sense is a luxury I can't afford. Hmm.
    2. So the problem is that I don’t have the luxury of a track record.

    n. 代理人,代表n. 副手;(某些国家的)议员;代理;副职;(美国协助地方治安官办案的)警官 adj. 副的>> 例句
    1. Billy, interested in being my deputy?

    adv. 不安地,忧虑地>> 例句
    1. Everybody will be watching anxiously as the new buildings go up.
    2. Tomorrow he will be watching her anxiously as she swims the long distance to England.

    adv. 残酷地;怨恨地;苦涩地,悲痛的; 来自bite ,bitterly >> 例句

      adj. 军事的;军人的;适于战争的;adj.军事的;军队的;武装的n.军队;军方;军人。mile,古罗马士兵走1000步(古罗马把左右算一步)距离,大约共1600米。military training ;最早指的是军队走路。(mill, windmill, million) But a spokesman for the Chinese Ministry of foreign affairs later disputed that claim. 不过,中国外交部发言人后来反驳了这种说法。>> 例句
      1. Mr. Turner, you are not a military man or a sailor. You are a blacksmith.

      n. 贮藏室,仓库;知识库;智囊团>> 例句
      1. Then you pick up that nasty oil, take it out and put it in the repository.

      n. 殖民地;移民队; from : clone; 复制>> 例句

        adj. 有阴影的;朦胧的;虚无的;暗黑的>> 例句
        1. ANGLE ON KWAN: Who is quietly settling into a shadowy corner of the garage, watching Drew.

        adv. 立即;迅速;马上;及时地;准时地>> 例句
        1. You pay well and you pay promptly, so we'll continue together.

        持续性、能维持性或永续性。它通常用于描述环境、经济、社会等方面的可持续性,强调在满足当前需求的同时不损害未来世代满足其需求的能力。>> 例句

          adj. 排斥(性)的;排除在外的>> 例句