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This is way better than the other one. You think?

He smiled though he felt terrible.
Why are you speaking like a retard?
Did you see that Liverpool played Manchester City today? Everyone is talking about it! All the headlines tomorrow will be about the game.
As a manager, he often interchanges ideas with his workers.
I'm an exchange student.
You are not paying all or your tuition to merely go to class, study, pass tests and graduate .
Warren Buffett:
Companies Should Stop Wasting Time On Diversity.
Variety refers to a range of different things within a category, focusing on the presence of multiple distinct choices, while diversity emphasizes the inclusion of different types, characteristics, or elements, highlighting differences and uniqueness.
GitHub users are now required to enable two-factor authentication as an additional security measure. Your activity on GitHub includes you in this requirement. You will need to enable two-factor authentication on your account before November 08, 2024, or be restricted from account actions.
Can I just adopt him as my dad please? He's adorable!,I love him.
Someone robbed me and stole my phone.
She sells sea shells on the seashore, and the shells she sells are seashells she in sure.