2309-World Rally Championship-WRC


世界汽车拉力锦标赛 (WRC)是与F1齐名的另一个世界顶级汽车赛事。 各队车手驾驶经过专业改装的量产车,转战全球各地,战胜包括沙石、冰雪、柏油、泥泽、雨地在内数千公里的种种恶劣地形,力拼11个月才能决出最终的王者。 被誉为世界上最严苛的 汽车拉力赛 。 中文名 世界汽车拉力锦标赛 外文名 World Rally Championship 简 称 WRC 主办单位 国际汽联(FIA) 分 类 赛车,体育 范 围 国际赛事. 不规则动词构成的过去分词可能以-en、-t、-d和-n结尾。例如include swollen, burnt, hoped, and broken(肿胀,烧伤,希望和破碎)。有些过去分词与不规则动词的基本形式相同,如set和cut。

We can't get tickets because the theater is full.
Did the concert end late yesterday?
That was an excellent meal yesterday.
She sees an attractive young man.
is that city far away?
How do you get to the restaurant? Do you know the directions to Big Ben?
My favorite beach is in the South.
Take a left at the corner.
It rained this morning, but it has been hot and sunny all afternoon. The roads are dry now.
I'd love to but I can't.
Wait -- Hang on.
I'll pay the bill. -- It's on me.
That's true! -- You know it!
Me too. -- Same here!
That's alright. -- No worries.
I understand what you said. -- Gotcha.
I'm wrong. -- My bad.
Don't worry! -- No sweat/ No biggie!
You can trust me. -- You can count on me.
I'm tired. -- I'm so beat.
I had a great time -- I had a blast.
The last time a bird ate my lunch.
Duo likes drawing in his free time.
I had fun hiking today, let's go again next week!
Everything in Moderation.
"Your noggin" is colloquial for "your head".
1. : a person's head.
2. : a small mug or cup.
3. : a small quantity (such as a gill) of drink.

The term NOGGIN was always about the head, but normally it was more about you doing something that involved creative thinking. "That's using your NOGGIN."

“你的脑袋”是口语中“你的头”的意思。1.:一个人的头。2.:一个小杯子。3.:少量的饮料(如一鳃)。 很久以前杯子上会写上 noggin, 表示容量 1/4的品脱pint,它很灵活,可以测量任何液体,也可以用于其他用途,比如一个简单的饮水杯,或者一个可以用来吃的鸡蛋杯,无论是鸡肉还是大鹅的鸡蛋。eggnog 蛋奶酒(用啤酒、葡萄酒等和蛋、牛奶搅拌而成);
Katherine 凯瑟琳 is really intelligent.
He has a singing competition tomorrow.
This quiz is easy.
LMAO = Laugh My Ass Off.
The weather is cold, and it snows a lot in the North.
Shw always bakes cakes on the weekend.
Tom has always hated rock climbing.
汤姆一直讨厌攀岩。不是过去,不是现在,是一直有讨厌= he has hated
The verb in "I swim" is present tense; the verb in "I go swimming" is present participle.
“I swim”中的动词是现在时;“I go swimming”中的动词是现在分词。
We had fun swimming yesterday.