

组成下面这800个句子中的单词都是前辈们从考研英语大纲中挑出来的(大家记得有一颗感恩的心),并且是按照“A-Z”的顺序来排列的,同一个句子中的单词大都是“形近而意远”,这样就能很好地解决一些同学老是区分不了“splash、crash、clash、flash、wash”的烦恼!尽管他们的谴词造句和中文翻译都显得非常滑稽可笑,但是如果你们能耐心看下去还是非常有帮助的。 现在把这800(实际是784)个句子按照每25个句子一页分成32页。只要大家用心学习,完全可以用16天的时间拿下难背的考研英语单词了!

455. The stupid student rapidly studied the accident in the studio.
456. Considering considerable spiders outside, I stay in the president's residence.
457. Besides this side, I considered both the inside and outside.
458. It's evident that the evil devil inevitably goes to ruin.
459. In the company my companion accompanied me until I accomplished polishing the shoes.
460. I prepare to compare the two comparable parallel companies.
461. My neighbor knows the height and weight of the highjacked freight.
462. The rebels labeled the labor laboring in the laboratory and lavatory.
463. At 8 o'clock the clerk locked the flock of cocks in the room.
464. The mocker knocked the stock with the knots on the stocking and sock.
465. I'm determined to permit the permanent term on detergent.
466. The committee admits it committed an omission in commissioning the mission.
467. The odd man added an additional riddle to the middle of the saddle.
468. The insult to the adult consulter results in multiplication of the faulty faucets.
469. The detective detected that the arch was under the marching Arctic architects' protection.
470. In the college, I alleged that I recollected the dialog in dialect about the dial collection.
471. In the selection the lecturer neglected the negligible negative reflection on the election.
472. The electrical connection in the photoelectric elevator involves electronics.
473. The rising risk arises from the surprised fund raiser's praise of the appraisal.
474. The efficient ancient scientist had conscience in science.
475. The eagle is eager to anger the tiger in danger.
476. The language angel hanged up the gang and banged them at the angle of the triangle.
477. equal, equator, equation, equivalent, quiver 478. Qualified quality and adequate quantity are equally important.
479. Televisions and telescopes give the visitors visual ability to see the casual casualty.
480. The grown-up growled at a crowd of crows.