

组成下面这800个句子中的单词都是前辈们从考研英语大纲中挑出来的(大家记得有一颗感恩的心),并且是按照“A-Z”的顺序来排列的,同一个句子中的单词大都是“形近而意远”,这样就能很好地解决一些同学老是区分不了“splash、crash、clash、flash、wash”的烦恼!尽管他们的谴词造句和中文翻译都显得非常滑稽可笑,但是如果你们能耐心看下去还是非常有帮助的。 现在把这800(实际是784)个句子按照每25个句子一页分成32页。只要大家用心学习,完全可以用16天的时间拿下难背的考研英语单词了!

26. The grandson branded the brandy randomly.
26. 孙子给白兰地随机地打上烙印。
27. The landlord's land on the highland of the mainland expanded a lot.
27. 地主在大陆高原上的土地扩张了很多。
28. Utilize the fertilizer to keep the land fertile.
28. 利用化肥保持土地肥沃。
29. The grand commander demands thousands of sandy sandwiches.
29. 大司令官要成千个沙色三明治。
30. I infer that he is indifferent to differentiating the offers in different conferences.
30. 我推断他对区分不同会谈中的报价漠不关心.
31. The maximum plus or minus the minimum makes minute difference.
31. 最大值加上或者减去最小值只产生极小的差异。
32. The witty witness withdraws his words within minutes without any reason.
32. 诙谐的证人在几分钟之内无故地收回了他说的话。
33. The cake maker shakes a naked snake with the quaking rake without sake.
33. 蛋糕制造者无缘无故地用抖动的耙子摇一条赤裸的蛇。
34. By the brook, the cook looked through a cookbook before making hooked cookies.
34. 在溪边,厨子在做钩形饼干之前查阅了一本食谱。
35. The writer writes the white book quite quietly in quilt.
35. 作家在被子里十分平静地写白皮书。
36. On the chilly hillside, he is unwilling to write his will on the ten-shilling bill.
36. 在寒冷的山坡上,他不愿意将遗嘱写在十先令的账单上。
37. The weaver will leave for the heavy heaven.
37. 那位纺织工将要到阴沉的天国里去。
38. The handy left-hander left a handsome handkerchief on the handle of the handbag.
38. 手巧的左撇子把一方漂亮手帕留在手提包的提手上。
39. The thief chief achieved the theft of a handkerchief for mischief.
39. 贼首领完成了偷手帕的恶作剧。
40. I believe my brief words will relieve her grief.40. 我相信我简短的话会减轻她的悲痛。
41. At the dock I'm shocked to see the pocket rocket made of a block of rock.
41. 在码头看到一块岩石做的小巧火箭,我感到震惊.
42. Standing under the outstanding rock I misunderstood his standard standpoint.
42. 站在突出的岩石下,我误解了他的标准立场。
43. The substantial part of the constitution about the institution of institutes is substituted.
43. 宪法中有关设立协会的实质性部分被替换。
44. Spell smell! Very well, the well-being for human being will swell.
44. 拼写气味(一词)!很好,人类的福利将会膨胀。
45. Once none of you is here, the man in throne will live alone in the lonely zone.
45. 一旦你们没有人在此,王位上的人就要孤独地生活在这个孤寂的地带。
46. Nowadays the once unknown snowy hill is well-known for snowstorm.
46. 如今那座曾经不出名的多雪小山因暴风雪而出名。
47. For instance, I can instantly know the constant distance.
47. 例如,我可以即刻知道该恒定距离。
48. The man beyond the bond is fond of the second wonderful diamond.
48. 那位不受约束的人喜欢第二颗奇异的钻石。
49. While sinking into thinking, the shrinking linkman drank the pink ink sprinkled on the wrinkly paper.
49. 陷入沉思时,退缩的联络员喝掉了洒在皱纹纸上的粉红色墨水。
50. The contribution distributor thinks the microcomputer pollution is absolutely beyond dispute.
50. 捐款分配者认为微机污染是绝对不容置疑的。