

组成下面这800个句子中的单词都是前辈们从考研英语大纲中挑出来的(大家记得有一颗感恩的心),并且是按照“A-Z”的顺序来排列的,同一个句子中的单词大都是“形近而意远”,这样就能很好地解决一些同学老是区分不了“splash、crash、clash、flash、wash”的烦恼!尽管他们的谴词造句和中文翻译都显得非常滑稽可笑,但是如果你们能耐心看下去还是非常有帮助的。 现在把这800(实际是784)个句子按照每25个句子一页分成32页。只要大家用心学习,完全可以用16天的时间拿下难背的考研英语单词了!

732. This measure may preclude the exclusive agency from selling crucial crude oil.
733. He depicted the conviction that contradicted the verdict.
734. Magnify the magnitude of the magnetism.
735. The deputy chairman of the charity clarified the importance of clarity and purity.
736. The tramp from the tram swamped the ham hamburge with shampoo.
737. According to the pamphlet, the current in the amplifier can be amplified to 3 amperes.
738. Prolong the sponge along the longitude and latitude at an altitude.
739. The conservative man made a reservation in the observatory.
740. The mender recommends me to amend the legend agenda.
741. His comprehensive apprehension about the appendix of the pendulum is obvious.
742. Elevate the eleventh level to relevant height.
743. Thereafter, I adhered to the coherence inherent to the theory.
744. The prophet appropriately appropriated the fund for repairing propeller.
745. I'm baffled why the affiliated man initiated the negotiator into ego.
746. The radiation radius of the radioactive radium radiator in the stadium is variable.
747. Snobbish Knob is doing his hobby in the lobby.
748. The ass bypassed the guard and assassinated the surpassing ambassador in the embassy.
749. The corporate bodies collaborate elaborately on producing vibrating evaporator.
750. The dazzling light from the digital device dizzied me.
751. The extinct exotic bird's feather contains zinc.
752. The smuggler shrugged to the bugler hugging the bug in the tugboat.
753. The vocation advocate found the word "vocal" and "reciprocal" not in the vocabulary.
754. Without my aid I'm afraid the maiden would have been raided.
755. The slim Muslim reached his climax when he found the axis of the galaxy.
756. Bonus is a stimulus for me to study the silicon in the bacon.