

组成下面这800个句子中的单词都是前辈们从考研英语大纲中挑出来的(大家记得有一颗感恩的心),并且是按照“A-Z”的顺序来排列的,同一个句子中的单词大都是“形近而意远”,这样就能很好地解决一些同学老是区分不了“splash、crash、clash、flash、wash”的烦恼!尽管他们的谴词造句和中文翻译都显得非常滑稽可笑,但是如果你们能耐心看下去还是非常有帮助的。 现在把这800(实际是784)个句子按照每25个句子一页分成32页。只要大家用心学习,完全可以用16天的时间拿下难背的考研英语单词了!

203. Suppose you were exposed in the opposite position by your opponent.
204. The depositor positively positioned the preposition in that position on purpose.
205. In church the nurse cursed the people pursuing the purple purse.
206. The faculty for agricultural culture isn't difficult to cultivate.
207. The reservoir in the reserved preserve is an obstacle to the obstinate observer.
208. The desert deserves the nervous servants to observe.
209. The bulk of the ruby rubbish on the pebble bubbles when stirred by bulbed rubber club.
210. The adjective injected new meaning into the objected objective object.
211. The projector is subject to rejection and may be ejected from the project.
212. A day goes through daybreak, morning, noon, afternoon, evening and midnight.
213. His affection for the defects is affected by the infectious perfect effect.
214. The critic's criticism is critical to the crisis.
215. The director's indirect direction led to the incorrect erection of the rectifier.
216. The prospective inspector prospected his prospect with his own perspective.
217. Two suspicious aspects are suspected respectively.
218. This section about insects is written by a respectable specialist.
219. I assure the injured jury that a sure insurance is ensured.
220. My durable endurance made me endure the injury during insurance.
221. I can't endure the leisured man's measures for the treasures in the treasury.
222. In the exchange the oranges are arranged into strange ranges.
223. The ashtray, splashed with ash, crashed with a clash in a flash while being washed.
224. He dashed to smash the fashionable ashtray with cash.
225. I feel a bit of bitterness for his ambitious exhibition.
226. On the orbit, the rabbits habitually inherited the merits of the inhabitants.
227. Her rejoicing voice is void of something avoidable.