

组成下面这800个句子中的单词都是前辈们从考研英语大纲中挑出来的(大家记得有一颗感恩的心),并且是按照“A-Z”的顺序来排列的,同一个句子中的单词大都是“形近而意远”,这样就能很好地解决一些同学老是区分不了“splash、crash、clash、flash、wash”的烦恼!尽管他们的谴词造句和中文翻译都显得非常滑稽可笑,但是如果你们能耐心看下去还是非常有帮助的。 现在把这800(实际是784)个句子按照每25个句子一页分成32页。只要大家用心学习,完全可以用16天的时间拿下难背的考研英语单词了!

305. In the sparking park, the darling dark dog barked at the embarked larks.
306. The drifter swiftly shifted the gift to the left of the lift.
307. The rival's arrival gives him a forgivable chance.
308. From the fact, the shivering driver derives that the diver may thrive on river.
309. The striver contrives to derive that privacy can't be deprived.
310. The lively survivor surveyed the conveyer.
311. The living olive keeps the deliverer's liver alive.
312. With a knife the knitter ends his wife's life in the lifeboat.
313. Who made a whole hole in the holy holiday?
314. The man who broke the sole solid lid is solemnly condemned.
315. By the ruler's schedule, the molecule capsules will play an important role in the roller.
316. I deliberately liberated the man who was in despair and desperately struggled for liberation and liberty.
317. At the outset this set of setting settled the offset problem of the kettle.
318. I bet that he forgot the forged alphabetical targets.
319. The draft for aircraft is sent to the airline by airmail.
320. On the impaired dairy the chairman lay in a pair of repaired chairs for haircut.
321. I met a fairly unfair affair upstairs.
322. At the breakfast, the steak leaked from the break.
323. The weak speaker made a speech on the bleak peak.
324. The mouse's tearing the blouse and trousers aroused the housewife's anger.
325. We beat (defeated) the cheat who heated the wheat.
326. He created the great creature with concrete for recreation.
327. In the theater I threatened to treat the treaty with retreat.
328. The man in neat sweaty sweater seated himself in the rear.
329. The lagging man tagged the bags among the luggage with small flags.