a pivotal moment in my life



I was pretty happy with my life, my wife was not.
What she saw was a college dropout who spent much time in the mountains doing foolish things.
She wanted me to work full time as a computer programmer or go back to college and finish my degree.
We compromised sort of.
I started taking classes at UC Berkeley.
I took several classes, but the only one I can remember was a sailing class taught in Berkeley Marina.
Once again I fell in love and began a life-long affair with the limitless, omnipotent Pacific Ocean.
When my class was over. I want to buy a sailboat.
My wife said this was the single stupidest idea she had ever heard in her entire life.
She accused me of being irresponsible and she told me that I lacked ambition.
She kicked me out and then she divorced me.
This was a pivotal moment in my life(这老哥嘴角上扬了,同时台下一片笑声。).
My family was still mad at me for not going to medical school. And now my wife was divorcing me because I lacked ambition.
It looked like a recurrence of the same old problem.
Once again, I was unable to live up to the expectations of others.
But this time I was pretty happy with my life. I was not disappointed in myself for failing to be the person they thought I should be.
Their dreams and my dreams were different.
I would never confuse the two of them again.
I had discovered things I loved: the Sierras , Yosemite, the Pacfic Ocean.
These natural wonders brought me great joy and happiness and would for the rest of my life.
I had an interesting job programming computers and more money than I needed.
For the first time, I was certain that I was going to survive in this world.
A huge burden of fear had been lifed. I'll never forget that moment. It was a time for rejoicing.
I bought the sailboat and lived onboard just me and my cat in Berkeley Marina.
In the words of James Joyce: I was alone, and young and willful and unheeded, but I was happy and near to the wild heart of life.