花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script


在香港国际散打争霸赛上,美国青年卡森惨败于特里弗之手,并被当众羞辱,为报仇雪恨,卡森萌发了去少林寺出家习武的念头。他来到嵩山脚下,结识一个叫阿诗玛的姑娘。阿诗玛带他到少林寺山门。卡森好奇心胜,误闯经堂,被赶出山门,心灰意冷◇经阿诗玛爷爷的指点,他不畏烈日风雨,在山门前打坐,终于打动少林寺主持三德和尚,破例收卡森为少林弟子。卡森入寺后,先是随师兄弟劳作,时日一久,卡森露出烦闷,听起了摇滚音乐。三德法师原谅了他的过失◇来又在练武时逞强好胜,不慎打碎神像,三德法师又原谅了他,并借机教以少林武… After being humiliated in the ring by a dirty kickboxer who pulled down his shorts and then hit him, a martial arts master decides to travel to China and enter a monastery where he may learn the Shaolin form of fighting. The film then veers into "Karate Kid" territory where the novice humiliates himself at every turn, is tolerated as a foreigner, and still comes out a champion. The monastery teaches non-violence, but everyone knows that sooner or later the student will catch up with the bad guy.

No, really, I want to... San De holds up his hand. He is the final authority.
Here at the temple, we use a period of intense physical labor to test your patience, and to teach you humility and self-reliance. As you continue training, you will be given chores every day – remember the first time you saw me I was sweeping? Physical labor keeps us humble.
ANGLE ON THE DISCIPLES Who tonight have been anything but humble.
SAN DE (CONT'D) You've all performed admirably, and have learned an important lesson – to obey your shr fu without question. Because of this, I've decided to begin your martial training sooner than what is prescribed. Tomorrow morning.
The disciples can hardly believe their luck.
SAN DE (CONT'D) And, what did you have to say to me?
ANGLE ON DREW: Who is sputtering now.
I... I mean we, just wanted to... thank you for the opportunity to be part of the illustrious history of the Shaolin Temple.
(beat) Yeah, that's it. Right, guys?
They all say "Thank you" as one, and then bow to the headmaster with their hands clasped in front of them. They turn away and head down the hallway.
ANGLE ON THE DISCIPLES As they increase their pace, almost running through the halls with their excitement.
Suddenly, it BURSTS open and in come the disciples, led by Drew. They fan out into the room, Drew in the center.
Gentlemen, this calls for a party!
He runs to his backpack and pulls out a boom box with speakers, and puts on some good old American Rock 'N' Roll.
Everyone, but Gao, is moving in time with the music. Drew is the most accomplished dancer, but the others are pretty bad.
The entire effect of the bald-headed monks rocking out is very comic.
Drew starts showing Li and Wu a couple of dance routines (old stuff – the swim, the twist, etc.). Everyone is having a great time.
ANGLE ON GAO: Glowering, as he moves toward the boom box.
He reaches for the "Stop" button.
Drew blocks the arm, and a pushing and shoving match starts.
You're trying to get us all kicked out!
I'm just trying to have a party. Chill out!
They push and shove into the middle of the room, a couple of kicks and punches thrown, then they face off, ready to duke it out.
The party is raging, while Gao and Drew are the only ones static, set to do battle.