躲避球:一个真正的卧底故事Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story Movie Script


一个真正的Underdog Story 喜剧电影

He'll probably fall off the roller coaster and break every bone.
- Nice, Dwight.
- I'm just saying, it happens.
My cousin Ray-Ray. Boop. Dead.
Thanks, man.
Let's huddle up here.
We've got some work to do.
We got lucky in the first round.
We caught those dirty Krauts napping, but that won't happen again, so blow out the horse hockey and remember what I taught you.
Blockers in the centre, funnelling, aim low and will someone catch a goddamned ball?
It's like watching a bunch of retards trying to f*** a doorknob out there.
Get it together.
Let's play some dodgeball.
Hands in.
One, two, three, Joe's.
- Average Joe's ready?
- Yes.
Lumberjacks, ready?
Average Joe's has a tough job, facing the Lumberjacks.
These woodsmen probably haven't even smelt a woman in eight months.
They must masturbate a lot, Cotton.
- Clean hit. You're out.
- In the deer gut.
- Average Joe's looking tough.