

pomodoro 休息标准:3-5分钟,至少离开座位2步。 工作标准:25分钟,可以调整长度,但是要先使用2周后在调整,因为2周的使用会让你基本清楚调整到多长时间更好。 一个时钟 = 一个标准工作+一个标准休息 流程: a)每天早上用5分钟制定今日计划。休息 b)选最优先级最高的job,25分钟专注工作,休息。重复计四次后,一次大休息,也许30分钟,根据需求。 c)做好记录,任务清单、记录表、每日记录和总结。 You can study for a half an hour. It doesn't take a half hour break to recharge your batteries. For most people, about five minutes. And this is where you go away, Do something fun for five minutes. Call a friend, talk to a child, talk to a parent, a roommate, enjoy some music. Do something you enjoy and actually say, this is my treat for having studied for 30 minutes effectively. Go back and here's what happens . Your efficiency is nearly a 100%. Study a half hour. Take a break. Study a half hour. Take a break.... Had she done that over a course of 6 hours, she would have got about 5 and a half hours of serious studying and about a half hour of total break time.
