Love your enemies

li yang发布于2024-09-19

Today, I'd like to talk about how to love your enemies and how important it is to forgive.
Anger and hatred do nothing to improve our mood, whereas forgiveness always makes us feel fantastic. The gifts it brings are the greatest we can receive. try this.
Make a list of all the people you can't stand. Next time you meet one of them imagine that this is the their last day on Earth and you will never see them again. Take the opportunity to clean up this relationship. Make that step towards reconciliation. You will be amazed by the effect. A gesture as simple as a phone call, a handshake, a smile, or even just the word "sorry" can mend the worst relationship.
Forgiveness is hard but possible. If you truly intend to change your poor relationships, you definitely will!
Remember, Hatred and anger hurt you more than anyone else. Drop these burdens from your life as soon as possible!