2305-My English Record in Daily Work and Life



StimulusReflex eliminates the complexity imposed by full-stack frontend frameworks. And, it's fast.
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“github” pronunciation is "geitehabu" .
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Our goal is to help small teams do big things with familiar tools.
As you can see, this is a fairly deep architectural stack.
Action Cable uses this approach to communicate between the server and many clients.
The connection itself does not deal with any specific application logic beyond authentication and authorization。
美/ɔːˌθentɪˈkeɪʃn ənd ˌɔːθərəˈzeɪʃn/ 认证和授权
Consumers subscribe to channels, acting as subscribers. Their connection is called a subscription. Produced messages are then routed to these channel subscriptions based on an identifier sent by the channel consumer.
用户订阅频道,用户就叫:订阅者。他们的连接称为“一个订阅线”。 根据频道用户发送的标识符,将生成的消息“按路线分发”到这些线上。 acting as (充当)
It's an honour and privilege to fight at your side during these trying times.
Spilled blood calls for revenge.
Yaropolk decided to sacrifice me to the law.
Tell my father i buried his god of war.
only a coward would not seek revenge for being called a slave.
Let the sacred fury and the strength of the beast enter you through this chalice.
Chalice is used to hold wine that is consecrated into the blood of Christ.
Most chalices have a stem and a cup and some kind of base,and also there is a node that allows the priest to hold. it kind of helps him keep a firm grasp on.
Video shows a Russian solider attempting to surrender to a Ukrainian drone.According to the commander of Ukraine's 92nd Achilles drone company, the soldier was trying to indicate his desire to surrender......as well as his fear that he will be killed by his own unit if he attempts to do so.The drone drop written instructions to the Russian soldier advising him where to go.The solider is still fearful, so the drone pilot attempts to coax him out of hiding.He finally departs, sprinting for the destination indicated...while using hand gestures to communicate with the drone overhead.(似乎无人机还发了一发炮弹作为他逃跑前的掩护)Skirting around the edge of the battlefield and avoiding exs and gunfire......the soldier finally makes it to Ukrainian lines, and surrenders.
Life throws us a curve ball also hits us very hard but if we push ourselves a bit we can overcome our fears and be successful in life.
"The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows" - Rocky B .
A love story + human triumph against odds + great dialog + perfect casting + musical score= Rocky, a masterpiece.
At the very end of our lives if we can still say, you know, and we were never humbled, we were knocked down but we got up and I can say I lived life with integrity and I took all the blows as the song says and I still prevailed I think that's it. That's a good epitaph for anyone.
integrity美[ɪnˈteɡrəti] 正直;epitaph 美/ˈepɪtæf/ 墓志铭;
Sylvester Stallone:
Going in one more round when you don't think you can. That's what makes all the difference in your life.
Sally was amused, but I was very embarrassed!
You could have kept that marker.