Video shows a Russian solider attempting to surrender to a Ukrainian drone.According to the commander of Ukraine's 92nd Achilles drone company, the soldier was trying to indicate his desire to surrender......as well as his fear that he will be killed by his own unit if he attempts to do so.The drone drop written instructions to the Russian soldier advising him where to go.The solider is still fearful, so the drone pilot attempts to coax him out of hiding.He finally departs, sprinting for the destination indicated...while using hand gestures to communicate with the drone overhead.(似乎无人机还发了一发炮弹作为他逃跑前的掩护)Skirting around the edge of the battlefield and avoiding exs and gunfire......the soldier finally makes it to Ukrainian lines, and surrenders.- 史泰龙:
At the very end of our lives if we can still say, you know, and we were never humbled, we were knocked down but we got up and I can say I lived life with integrity and I took all the blows as the song says and I still prevailed I think that's it. That's a good epitaph for anyone.integrity美[ɪnˈteɡrəti] 正直;epitaph 美/ˈepɪtæf/ 墓志铭;