完美陌生人 Perfect Strangers Movie Script



She never listens, just gets angry.
- Have a little bit of patience.
- A lot of patience.
Okay, a lot of patience.
But I think it's worth a try.
Try it.
You're too in love with mom to see what a b*tch she is.
- Okay, l have to go. Thanks.
- Sofia... You did really well.
The therapy must be working.
Bianca... - Did you tell her ?
- No.
- You told her.
- Okay, but I only told her.
- And I only told Peppe.
- And I... Only Lele.
- And Lele kept it to himself.
- She's my wife... She's my best friend.
- Sorry... - Don't be.
He's seeing a therapist, not a whore ! Come on !
Right... There's the frog again.
- Lucio wants you to answer him.
- Why's he insisting ?
Answer him, then he might stop.
Perhaps I'd better, or he won't leave me alone.