完美陌生人 Perfect Strangers Movie Script



"I'm having dinner with friends, we'll talk tomorrow." Let's see if he sends another... "We've decided to reveal our private business." No, we can't... He wrote "jerk".
- Damn.
- How dare he ?
You'll have to explain this.
- Explain what ?
- You don'tjust call someone a jerk.
In fact he's an oaf, he's bad-mannered.
Would this oaf happened to be named Lucia ?
- Don't be silly !
- Such a cheeky co-worker.
He's calling you.
Answer it, then we'll know more.
We'll find out why he's so angry.
Come on.
- Okay, on speaker, right ?
- Yes.
- Hello ?
- Why do you sound so glum ?
l thought you said you had a fever ?
Then why did you go out ?
Have you nothing to say ?
You're a jerk. You know what ?
You can't make a decision, you don't know what you want in life.
You don't even know if you like men or women.
So f*** off !