硅谷传奇Pirates of Silicon Valley Movie Script


人总是喜欢回望过去,努力为过去所发生的一切作出完美的解释,尽管有时候过去是由无意、幸运、惊喜组成的。 Pirates of Silicon Valley 就是一部尝试重现Apple与Microsoft早期发展历史的电视电影(TNT播出)

She phones me a million times a day.
At least I'm working on my stuff.
Feel better?
Now. Steve. tell the others what you're feeling.
Like... - Like it's gone.
- What is?
The anger.
Like the anger's gone.
It's gone.
Back then, our big thrill was going to this thing they called the Homebrew Club.
It was where guys spent all their spare time trying to get access to computers owned by the local corporations.
And people would go there and show the stuff they just built.
Except most of it didn't really work all that well.
--read in the Popular Electronics issue about a year ago about the new Altair 8800.
I was nervous that day we walked in with my homemade computer but I got a charge out of it.
All those guys... ---coming over and wanting to talk to me.
The schematics we have-- - What is this thing?
- Check it out.
The first computer you're ever gonna see.
What's the screen for?
I was never good at talking to people in those days but Steve. he was amazing.
Alexander Graham Bell when he heard his first ring. that's as revolutionary as this is.
He's talking about the Altair? I never had a problem till I tried to use it.
All of a sudden we found out what we wanted to do with our lives.
- It was all we ever wanted.