Quit social media 你没那么需要社交媒体

Dr. Cal Newport发布于2024-09-03

From Tedx @Dr. Cal Newport I feel like social media weakens friendships. Too much jealousy, narcissism, misunderstandings. Less time to give friends a phone call. 我觉得社交媒体削弱了友谊。太多的嫉妒、自恋、误解。给朋友打电话的时间更少。

You probably don't realize that right now you're actually looking at something quit rare.
Because I am a millennial computer scientist book author.
Standing on a Ted stage, and yet I've never had a social media account.
How this happened was actually somewhat random social media first came on to my radar when I was at College(my sophomore year of college).
This is when Facebook arrived at our campus and at that time which was right after the first dot bust I had had a dorm room business.
I had had to shut it down in the bust and then suddenly this other kid from Harvard named Mark had this product called Facebook and people are getting excited about it.
So it's sort of fit of somewhat immature professional jealousy I said I'm not going to use this thing .
I'm not going to help this kid's business what's that ever going to amount to so anyways I go along my look up not long later and I see that everyone I know is really hooked on this thing and from the clarity you can get when you have some objectivity some perspective on it.
I realized this seems a little bit dangerous so I never signed up.
I've never had a social media account since so I'm here for two reasons I want to deliver two messages.
The first message I want tot deliver is that even though I've never had a social media account I'm okay, you don't have to worry.
It turns out I still have friends I still know what's going on in the world as a computer scientist I still collaborate with people all around the world I'm still regularly exposed serendipitously to interesting ideas and I rarely describe myself as lacking in entertainment options so I've been okay but I'd go even farther I'd go even farther and say not only am I okay without social media.
But I think I am actually better off.
I think I'm happier.
So my second goal here on stage is to try to convince more of you to believe the same thing .
To see if I could actually convince more of you that you too would be better off if you quit social media .