肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script



RED (V.O.) I have had some long nights in stir. Alone in the dark with nothing but your thoughts, time can draw out like a blade... A FLASH OF LIGHTNING outside his window sends harsh barred shadows jittering across the cell. A storm breaking.
RED (V.O.) That was the longest night of my life... 215INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- MORNING (1966) 215 KA-THUMP! The master lock is thrown. The cons emerge from their cells and the headcount begins. Red looks back to see if Andy's in line. He's not. Suddenly the count stalls:
Man missing on tier two! Cell 12! The head bull, HAIG, checks his list:
Dufresne? Get your ass out here, boy! You're holding up the show! (no answer) Don't make me come down there now! I'll thump your skull for you! Still no answer. Glaring, Haig stalks down the tier, clipboard in hand. His men fall in behind.
Dufresne, dammit, you're putting me behind! You better be sick or dead in there, I sh*t you not! They arrive at bars. Their faces go slack. Stunned. Softly:
Oh my Holy God.
216 REVERSE ANGLE 216 reveals the cell is empty. Everything neat and tidy. Even the bunk is stowed. They wrench the door open and rush in, tossing the cell in a panic as if Andy might be lurking under the Kleenex or the toothpaste. CAMERA ROCKETS IN on Haig as he spins toward us, bellowing at the top of his lungs:
WHAT THE F***! 217INT -- NORTON'S OFFICE -- MORNING (1966) 217 Norton is kicking back with the morning paper. He notices ha dingy his shoes are. He glances at the shoebox on the desk.
kicks his shoes off, opens the box -- and gulls out Andy's o grimy work shoes. He stares blankly. What the f*** indeed.
An ALARM STARTS BLARING throughout the prison. He looks up.
218EXT -- PRISON -- DAY (1966) 218 Norton and Hadley stride across the grounds, ALARM BLARING.
I want every man on that cellblock questioned! Start with that friend of his!
219INT -- CELLBLOCK FIVE -- RED'S CELL -- DAY (1966) 219 Red watches as Norton storms up with an entourage of guards.
Red's eyes widen. Guards yank him from his cell.
220INT -- ANDY'S CELL -- DAY (1966) 220 Norton steps to the center of the room, working himself up into a fine rage:
What do you mean "he just wasn't here?" Don't say that to me, Haig! Don't say that to me again!
But sir! He wasn't! He isn't!
I can see that, Haig! You think I'm blind? Is that what you're saying?
Am I blind, Haig?
No sir! Norton grabs the clipboard and thrusts it at Hadley.
What about you? You blind? Tell me what this is!
Last night's count.
You see Dufresne's name? I sure do! Right there, see? "Dufresne." He was in his cell at lights out! Stands to reason he'd still be here this morning! I want him found! Not tomorrow, not after breakfast! Now! Haig scurries out, gathering men. Norton spins to Red.