肖申克的救赎Shawshank Redemption Movie Script



Well what?
I see you two all the time, you're thick as thieves, you are! He must'a said something!
No sir, he didn't! Norton spreads his arms evangelist-style, spins slowly around.
Lord! It's a miracle! Man up and vanished like a fart in the wind! Nothin' left but some damn rocks on the windowsill and that cupcake on the wall! Let's ask her! Maybe she knows! What say there, Fuzzy- Britches? Feel like talking? Guess not. Why should you be different?
Red exchanges looks with the guards. Even they're nervous.
Norton scoops a handful rocks off the sill. He hurls them at the wall one at a time, shattering them, punctuating his words:
It's a conspiracy! (SMASH) That's what this is! (SMASH) It's one big damn conspiracy! (SMASH) And everyone's in on it! (SMASH) Including her! He sends the last rock whizzing right at Racquel.
No smash.
It takes a moment for this to sink in. All eyes go to her. The rock went through her. There's a small hole in the poster where her navel used to be.
You could hear a pin drop. Norton reaches up, sinks his finger into the hole. He keeps pushing...and his entire hand disappears into the wall.
221 ANGLE FROM BEHIND POSTER 221 as Norton rips the poster from before our eyes. Stunned faces peer in. CAMERA PULLS SLOWLY BACK...to reveal the long crumbling tunnel in the wall.
222INT -- ANDY'S CELL -- MINUTES LATER (1966) 222 RORY TREMONT, a guard barely out of his teens, tries not to look nervous as they lash a rope around his chest. He's getting instructions from six different people at once.
RED (V.O.) They got this skinny kid named Rory Tremont to go in the hole. He wasn't much in the brains department, but he possessed the one most important qualification for the job... (they slap a flashlight in his hands) ...he was willing to go.
223INT -- TUNNEL -- DAY (1966) 223 Rory squeezes down the tunnel on his belly.
RED (V.O.) Probably thought he'd win a Bronze Star or something.
224INT -- VERTICAL SHAFT -- DAY (1966) 224 Dark as midnight. Concrete walls rise on both sides. If you imagine them as two huge slices of bread, the meat of this particular sandwich is about three feet of airspace and a dark tangle of pipes between the cellblocks. Rory's appears, shining his flashlight down the shaft. Somewhere, a rat SQUEAKS.
RED (V.O.) It was his third day on the job.
Warden? There's a space here between the walls 'bout three feet across! Smells pretty damn bad! NORTON (O.S.) I don't care what it smells like! HADLEY (O.S.) Go on, boy! We got a hold of you! Looking none too happy about it, Rory squeezes from the tunnel and dangles into the shaft. He gets lowered, shining his light, smothered by darkness. Not having a good time.
Hoo-whee! Smell's gettin' worse! NORTON (O.S.) Never mind, I said! Just keep going!
Smells pretty damn bad, Warden! In fact, it smells just like sh*t.
His feet touch the ground -- or what he assumed was the ground. It's not. In fact, it's just what it smells like. He sinks in past his ankles. He slips and sits heavily in it.
Oh God, that's what it is, it's sh*t. oh my God it's sh*t. pull me out 'fore I blow my groceries, oh sh*t it's sh*t, oh my Gawwwwwwd! 225INT -- ANDY'S CELL -- DAY (1966) 225 Red and others listen to violent barfing from below.
RED (V.O.) And then came the unmistakable sound of Rory Tremont losing his last few meals. The whole cellblock heard it. I mean, it echoed.
That's it for Red. He starts laughing. Laughing, hell, he's bellowing laughter, laughing so hard he has to hold himself, laughing so hard tears are pouring down his cheeks. The look of rage on Norton's face makes him laugh all the harder.