国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script


England's Prince Albert (Colin Firth) must ascend the throne as King George VI, but he has a speech impediment. Knowing that the country needs her husband to be able to communicate effectively, Elizabeth (Helena Bonham Carter) hires Lionel Logue (Geoffrey Rush), an Australian actor and speech therapist, to help him overcome his stammer. An extraordinary friendship develops between the two men, as Logue uses unconventional means to teach the monarch how to speak with confidence.

ELIZABETH: Oh dear, I may not be a `pitch in' type.
Piece of cake.
(to Bertie) Please assume a supine position on the floor.
Firm support is needed.
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Bertie dutifully lies on the floor.
LIONEL (CONT'D) Breathe deeply...expand your chest... now your stomach...deep into the diaphragm.
Splendid. How do you feel?
Full of hot air.
Well on your way to becoming a qualified political speaker. Again... Bertie inhales deeply.
LIONEL (CONT'D) ... and hold. Now, Princess Elizabeth, be so kind as to sit on your husband's stomach.
ELIZABETH: Good grief.
Gently of course.
Elizabeth sits gingerly on Bertie's stomach, asking solicitously: ELIZABETH: Are you alright, Bertie?
Bertie nods.
Now exhale slowly...down goes Princess Elizabeth...inhale slowly...nothing rushed, expanding your chest fully, extending the column of air til it hits the diaphragm...and...up comes Princess Elizabeth. Exhale...down goes Princess Elizabeth...inhale...up comes Princess Elizabeth. You get the idea. Doesn't have to be Princess Elizabeth of course, but I thought you'd prefer your wife to one of the staff. Now comes the fun part.
There's actually more?
Bertie springs to his feet while Logue opens a window.
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You will now shout the vowel sounds, all five of them, as loudly as possible, each to last no less than 15 seconds. There's poor coordination between your larynx and diaphragm. Princess Elizabeth, you can be the official timer.
ELIZABETH: Vowel sounds? Shouted at an open window? On a public street?
Anyone who can stand at an open window vibrating loudly in full view of the world can learn to give a public speech.
ELIZABETH: They can also be considered quite dotty.
Don't even contemplate it!