巨石怪 The Monolith Monsters Movie Script


一颗奇怪的黑色流星在圣安吉洛镇附近坠毁,碎片散落在乡村。当风暴将这些碎片暴露在水中时,它们会成长为摩天大楼大小的巨石,然后倾覆并粉碎成数千块碎片,这些碎片本身会成长为巨石,并重复这一过程。路上的任何人都会被碾碎或变成人像。圣安吉洛的市民拼命地试图拯救自己和世界,使其免于不断蔓延的厄运。 A strange black meteor crashes near the town of San Angelo and litters the countryside with fragments. When a storm exposes these fragments to water, they grow into skyscraper-sized monoliths which then topple and shatter into thousands of pieces that grow into monoliths themselves and repeat the process. Any humans in the way are crushed or turned into human statues. The citizens of San Angelo desperately try to save themselves and the world from the spreading doom.

Is this the old San Angelo Road that Cathy spoke of?
Yeah. She said it was about Hadn't we better slow down a little? Yeah.
There. That must be it.
They're the same fragments, all right.
Then the meteor can't be far off.
Think of the knowledge buried down there.
There's only one thing I want to know from that, what makes it multiply?
What starts it?
You've got to remember, David, when this hit our atmosphere, it burned at such a fantastic temperature that its metal-bearing compounds could have been altered, left ready to activate, to grow.
No telling what went on inside of it.
It's been gathering the secrets of time and space for billions of years.
Billions of years.
And how long have we got to unlock its most important secret?
Three hours? Or three minutes?
Are you going to make some tests first, Doctor?
If we took the time to determine Ginny's silicon level, the whole question would be academic.
I'm sorry, Miss Barrett.
I didn't mean to be so blunt.
Please try to understand that anything medical science could do under the circumstances for Ginny would have to be experimental.
On the other hand, Dr.
Reynolds' report from San Angelo did coincide exactly with what we've learned from our autopsy on Ben Gilbert, that somehow that rock had robbed his entire body of silicon.
That means only one thing.
We've got to try synthetically to replenish that element in Ginny's body and arrest the solidifying action.
I know you're doing the best you can, Doctor.