The Pirate Fairy Movie Script


无忧无虑的精灵谷中央,对一切事物都充满好奇心并勇于挑战新鲜事物的小仙子萨瑞娜(克里斯蒂娜·亨德里克斯 Christina Hendricks 配音),被加利仙子派遣管理仙尘。虽然加利仙子再三告诫她严禁篡改仙尘,但终究无法阻挡萨瑞娜踏足未知领域的渴望。受到批评后,萨瑞娜失落地离开精灵谷。

You tell those scurvy scallywags that... What did she say?
She said, it does! What is better than a good mug of grog?
Two mugs! Your tea, Captain. Earl Grey, hot.
Please, sir, may I have some more?
To our cunning captain.
Okay, you gotta love the boots.
Just one year ago, we'd lost everything.
Our ship turned adrift, and then we found her.
Exactly. We needed a captain.
And when we humbly asked if she could make us fly... She didn't stop there.
No! She did one better, she did.
Better indeed! Soon, she's going to make the whole ship fly! To flying! Fly?
First the Tower of London, arr! The guards won't know what hit it We'll swoop right down and take the crown And the Crown Jewels with it And when we fly to Paris Oh, the treasures I'll be grabbin' The Mona Lisa will look lovely Hanging in me cabin Hey-ho Imagine the places that we'll go No one can stop us When we're so High in the stratosphere! Hey-ho We'll be the freighter that plunders Every one of the world's seven wonders When we're up in the skies For who can fight a frigate that flies?
No one can fight a frigate that flies Next we'll roam to Rome, me lads And here's what I'll be stealin' I'll rob the Sistine Chapel Of the Sistine Chapel's cieilin' And for all the folks in Egypt It will be a dismal day They'll be crying for their mummies When we take their mummies away! Hey-ho Imagine the places that we'll go No can stop us when we're so high! They will all cower in fear Hey-ho, from Delhi to Rio to Venice There's no city that we will not menace When we're up in the skies For who can fight a frigate that flies?
No one can fight a frigate that flies - Oh, how high we will be! - We will be 'Cause the blue fairy dust Surely packs a mighty wallop Only takes a dollop - Soon it will set us free - We'll be free From the chains of gravity Then we'll hoist up the sail And we'll set course for the sun 'Cause when you've got wings No wicked deed cannot be done And we owe it all To our great and glorious captain Although, now that you mention it, why are we taking orders from some fairy, anyway?
Heh, heh, heh... Two, three, four! Hey-ho, imagine the places that we'll go No one can stop us when we're so high - Givin' a pirate cheer Arr! Hey-ho, we'll be the freighter that plunders Every one of the world's seven wonders When we're up in the skies For who can fight a frigate that flies?
Hey-ho, there's not a town or a county That will not yield its bounty up When our ship draws near Hey-ho, there's not a city or village That we will not plunder or pillage When we're up in the skies For who can fight a frigate that flies?
And every nation will give a donation When they see us sail the skies In a frigate that flies! Hey! Ah! - Whoa.
- Tink.
It looks like... The Pixie Dust Tree back home.
Zarina must have grown it.
So, that's how they're going to fly.
She's going to make pixie dust.
Ahoy, you biscuit-eating bilge rats! Prepare to dock starboard! Docking starboard! Captain says, raise the sails and step lively! Raise the sails! Heave! Bring her around, Mr. Yang! Bringing her around! - Let go anchor! - Let go anchor! - Get out all lines! - Get out all lines! Casting lines! - Come on, get moving.
- Are you talking to me?