The Pirate Fairy Movie Script


无忧无虑的精灵谷中央,对一切事物都充满好奇心并勇于挑战新鲜事物的小仙子萨瑞娜(克里斯蒂娜·亨德里克斯 Christina Hendricks 配音),被加利仙子派遣管理仙尘。虽然加利仙子再三告诫她严禁篡改仙尘,但终究无法阻挡萨瑞娜踏足未知领域的渴望。受到批评后,萨瑞娜失落地离开精灵谷。

Captain says, restock the ship.
We set sail at dawn.
Yes, Captain.
Load ship, right away.
Hey, watch where you're swinging that thing! Work faster, now! That's it! Come on.
Come on, you lubber, get on with it.
Someone's coming! Pirate! Hide! Animal Fairy, you're up.
Excuse me, mouse. Uh... Mr. Mouse.
Would you mind terribly moving on?
We need this space to do a little hiding.
Oh! Much obliged.
Bye-bye! Aw, what a cute little mouse.
It was a rat.
Ew! Hey, shoo, rat! Uh, permission to enter, Captain.
This is our chance.
Now! No! I had Oppenheimer make you your favorite.
The dust.
I know how much you like a little something sweet while you work.
Well, you're quite welcome.
Hmm? Oh, uh... Uh, yes, of course. Sorry.
Ah, right, second drawer.
Look at that.
It sparkles like a thousand sapphires.
You're quite the little genius.