
vt. 制造;构成;使得;获得;引起;进行;布置,准备,整理;认为;安排;形成


No, I don't because I can't try on clothes online. it's hard to know if they would really fit me or not. It's much easier to go to a local clothing shop, try the clothes on and make sure they fit me well.
>> questions
Yes, I can manage my time well. I like to make daily schedules and plan my activities ahead. I also try to complete my tasks on time.
>> questions
In part 2 the examiners gives you a topic card . then you have one minute to prepare an make notes. Then you'll be required to talk about the topic for one to two minutes.
>> questions
we take the test seriously, but we want to make it fun and interesting as well.
>> questions
I make 4.3k usd after tax per month. Training center. You can get 23-25k rmb depending on your nationality “looks like a foreigner”.
>> 2024-10 The metamorphosis from anxious wife
I'm telling you , if you do this in front of your client's face, I mean during a face to face meeting or call your client, there are 80% even 90% of the chance your client will give you a schedule, and when they are going to place next order. so you can make a plan accordingly . I'm going to follow up after 2 weeks or after 2 months.
>> Your price is way too high
You will be able to make your voice heard about important issues, and express your thoughts.
>> 2024-10 The metamorphosis from anxious wife
A place where you’ll learn English, speak it without fear and anxiety, be part of a supportive community, make international friends and have a judgement-free environment where you can practice.
>> 2024-10 The metamorphosis from anxious wife
You can buy watermelon frost from an Asian herb store or online or make your own.
>> 16 Ways to Get Rid of Canker Sores
12. DGL mouthwash, DGL mouthwash contains deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL), an herbal licorice extract. It may reduce pain and healing time in people with mouth ulcers, due to its anti-inflammatory abilities, according to 2022 research. Some people also use it as a natural remedy for stomach ulcers. DGL is available in supplement form, which you can use to make mouthwash.
>> 16 Ways to Get Rid of Canker Sores
You can find sage mouthwash in most pharmacies and use it as directed. Or, you can make your own sage rinse: Add boiling water to 1 to 2 tsp. of fresh sage leaves.
>> 16 Ways to Get Rid of Canker Sores
To use, apply a wet chamomile tea bag to your canker sore and leave it on for a few minutes. Make sure the tea bag isn’t too hot before using it. You can also rinse your mouth with freshly brewed and slightly cooled chamomile tea. Repeat three to four times daily.
>> 16 Ways to Get Rid of Canker Sores
Canker sores (aphthous ulcers) occur inside your mouth or on your gums. Although they can be painful and make it difficult to talk or eat, they usually don’t cause lasting damage. Most canker sores heal on their own within a couple of weeks.
>> 16 Ways to Get Rid of Canker Sores
I tried to make conversation.
>> 40-Food and Talk
Finally, making it easier to go to production also means we ought to make it easy to be secure. Rails has been assembling high-level abstractions for the key components of an excellent authentication system for a long time to bring that ease. We’ve had has_secure_password since Rails 5, but also recently introduced generates_token_for :password_reset along with authenticate_by in Rails 7.1. Now, with Rails 8, we’re putting all the pieces together in a complete authentication system generator, which creates an excellent starting point for a session-based, password-resettable, metadata-tracking authentication system.
最后,使生产更容易也意味着我们应该使安全更容易。长期以来,Rails一直在为一个优秀的身份验证系统的关键组件组装高级抽象,以简化这一过程。我们从Rails 5开始就有has_secure_password,但最近在Rails 7.1中引入了generates_token_for:password_reset和authenticate_by。现在,使用Rails 8,我们将所有部分整合到一个完整的身份验证系统生成器中,该生成器为基于会话、密码可重置、元数据跟踪的身份验证体系创建了一个很好的起点。
>> Rails8
Still, there’s always going to be some issues with new stuff, and we’d be grateful if you’d help us find it by upgrading your applications to Rails 8 ahead of the final release. Let’s make this release as SOLID as can be!
尽管如此,新东西总是会有一些问题,如果您能在最终版本之前将您的应用程序升级到Rails 8,帮助我们找到问题,我们将不胜感激。让我们尽可能地使这个版本稳定!
>> Rails8
Nobody should have to pay orders of magnitude more for basic computing just to make deployment friendly and usable. That’s a job for open source, and Rails is ready to solve it.
>> Rails8
if you say to yourself: I want to make a million dollars this year. Your brain hears the word 'want'. And that means you don't have that million.
>> 马斯克: 如果你对自己说
He tries to take stock of his surroundings. He can make out the operating table. He manages to drag himself on to it.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
The sentry box blows up, splinters of wood cascading. A couple of Poles make a dash for it and enter a building opposite to the Schutzpolizei.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
He goes to the window, opens it. He gets a chair, places it sideways in front of the window to make a step. He's working out how best to throw himself out.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
Her husband's an actor. They're old friends. ( (He holds out the " piece of paper.) I've written their names down. And their address. If they're still there. Janina Godlewska and Andrzej Bogucki. Good people. Majorek, you go into the town every day. Would you try and make contact? Ask them if they'd help me get out of here?
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
You're too well known, Wladek. And you know what? You musicians don't make good conspirators. You're too...too musical.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
The friend watches the customer intently as he drops the coins one by one onto the marble. He drops them, puts his ear close and listens. Two or three he discards, but he smiles when coins make a pure tone, and he keeps them.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
EXT. STREET LEADING TO GHETTO - DAY AUTUMN A great column of Jews of all ages make their way towards the area that will become the ghetto. On foot, on bicycles, on horse-drawn platforms, some pushing prams loaded with belongings. A great moving mass of humanity.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script