
n. 苔藓;泥沼


Moss pants for a moment, recovering from the strain of the toss. He eases himself off the guardrail and goes to the fence and looks at the bank below. One gnarled tree stands out in the cane. The case, wherever it landed, is not visible.
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The boys are receding. Moss pours the beer over his head, rubbing blood away.
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Moss does.
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Moss unpeels bills from a moist wad. The top one is bloody.
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As they approach they gape at Moss, covered with blood.
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EXT. RIO GRANDE BRIDGE - NIGHT Minutes later. Moss heads down the right-hand walkway in stockinged feet, boots tucked into his belt.
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Moss walks unsteadily toward it, pressing his free hand to his side.
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Moss emerges. He hoists out the case. He leaves the shotgun.
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Moss crosses to the far curb, still advancing. No one behind the cars.
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Chigurh dived between them:
hit or not? Moss advances down the middle of the street. He angles his
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Shot peppers two parked cars -- the one Moss rammed and the one behind.
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He dives as, behind him, Moss fires.
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Moss rises.
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Moss emerges from the pickup with his shotgun and goes to the sidewalk and backtracks. He covers behind a parked car.
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EXT. EAGLE PASS STREET - NIGHT The pickup bounces but Moss, sitting fully up, can now steer.
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Moss floors the gas to roar into a turn. The street sweeping out of view behind him produces one more chugging muzzleflash.
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The passenger side window shatters:
we are passing the gunman. Now Moss sits up to steer looking out front. Behind him through the shot-out back window the dark street is suddenly punctured by muzzleflash. It comes, for the first time, with
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Moss, jammed almost in to the driver's lap, frantically gropes for the shift.
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Moss, quicker to react, has already ducked below the dash.
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INT. PICKUP/EXT. EAGLE PASS STREET - NIGHT The truck stops and Moss opens the passenger door and swings the case in and climbs in after.
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Moss strides out into the street. He swings the shotgun up and gives the driver a raised palm to halt.
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Moss lowers the shotgun. He keeps it to the hidden side of his body.
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Close on Moss panting. He takes stock, painfully feeling at his upper chest where the lock hit, then touching gingerly at his side, beneath the ribs, newly bloody. He sighs.
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dark, deserted downtown Eagle Pass, Moss a lone figure resting at a corner.
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Moss rounds the alley corner. He stops and squats.
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