
n. 苔藓;泥沼


INT. HOTEL ROOM - NIGHT Moss enters a room with old oak furniture and high ceilings.
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INT. SECOND-FLOOR HALLWAY - NIGHT Moss is mounting the stairs from the lobby. The carpeted hallway is lined by transom-topped doors. Moss goes to a door halfway down on his left.
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Moss pushes a hundred along with smaller bills across the desk.
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INT. HOTEL EAGLE LOBBY - NIGHT Moss enters. Behind the front desk an older man sits reading Ring magazine. He has a hand-rolled cigarette.
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EXT. EAGLE PASS TOWN SQUARE - DUSK Moss is getting out of the station wagon with his duffle and document case.
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Moss gives him a look. A beat.
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as we cut to:
INT. STATION WAGON - NIGHT Moss, with his duffle bag and document case, sits in the passenger seat of an old station wagon. The driver is an elderly man in a yoked shirt.
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The hook again snags a strap on the case. Moss pulls, carefully.
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Moss drags the case inches out into the duct's bend before the hook slides off again.
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INT. MOTEL DUCT - NIGHT Moss makes another attempt to hook the bag. The hook takes.
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Moss holds still as the galvanized metal faintly thunders.
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Moss snips the last of the wire hangers' hooks off with the sidecutter. He wraps the three hooks with duct tape to make a sturdier one.
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Moss pulls three wire hangers off the closet rack. He takes them to the bureau and picks up a sidecutter.
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His point-of-view:
window with parted curtains. INT. 2ND MOTEL ROOM - LATE DAY Moss experiments with the tape-joint, angling then straightening the two poles. Satisfied, he starts taping on a third length of pole.
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INT. 2ND MOTEL ROOM Moss rips off a length of duct tape. He wraps it around two tent poles placed end-to-end but an inch apart, not butting.
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INT. 2ND MOTEL ROOM - LATE DAY Moss is standing on a desk chair unscrewing the plate from the overhead airduct. He lays it aside and raises a flashlight and peers into the airduct.
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INT. 2ND MOTEL ROOM Two double beds. Moss is listening at the wall. He goes to the bed and unzips the duffle bag and pulls out the sawed- off shotgun. He lays it on the bed. He pulls the tent poles and some duct tape out of the duffle.
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A reverse shows Moss crossing the lot from the office carrying his long nylon duffle bag, studying the room. He looks further down the street.
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Moss unfolds the brochure and studies.
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INT. FIRST MOTEL LOBBY - DAY Moss enters carrying a new duffle bag. The same woman is behind the counter.
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Moss sits on the bed dressing the barrel with a file.
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A clerk stares at Moss.
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Twelve gauge. You need shells? Moss looks the gun over.
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The driver reaches up for the bill then turns the cab out of the parking lot onto the hiway. Moss turns to look at the receding lights of the motel.
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Moss reaches a hundred-dollar bill up to the driver.
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