
n. 苔藓;泥沼


Moss emerges into a shallow service alley, dark and dirty.
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Moss sags. He looks back across the lobby at the front door.
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Moss slows approaching the stairway. He risks a look around the stairway wall.
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INT. LOBBY - NIGHT Moss hurries across the lobby. A glance to one side: A booted foot sticks out from behind the front desk.
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EXT. HOTEL EAGLE SIDEWALK - NIGHT Moss lands and grabs the document case and straightens. He is at the hotel entrance, standing in the light coming through the etched glass of the double doors.
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Moss drops.
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He grabs it as inside the room the door is kicked open. Moss swings down as, with a muted thump, orange muzzleflash strobes the room.
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The bracketing for the hotel's sign gives Moss a handhold.
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FROM OUTSIDE HIS WINDOW Moss finishes draping his shotgun by its strap across his back and climbs out onto the ledge with the document case.
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Moss has already risen and is hoisting the document case.
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Moss fires. The shotgun blast roars in the confined space and for an instant turns the room orange. The chewed-up door wobbles back against the jamb and creakily bounces in again.
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It is all strange. Moss gropes in his lap and picks something up. The lock cylinder.
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It brings a dull impact and Moss recoils, hit.
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Moss stares. He shifts, starts to rise, doesn't. A beat.
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Something for Moss to think about. He stares.
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Moss stares.
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Quiet. Moss stares.
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Moss adjusts his grip on the shotgun and his finger tightens on the trigger.
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into two columns of dark:
feet planted before the door. Moss raises his shotgun toward the door.
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Moss clasps the document case, picks up his shotgun and eases himself to a sitting position on the bed, facing the door.
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Moss rises and turns to the bed. He piles money back into the document case but freezes suddenly-for no reason we can see.
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After five rings Moss cradles the phone.
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Moss reaches to uncradle the rotary phone by the bed. He dials 0.
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Moss swings the document case onto the bed and unclasps it and upends the money onto the bed. He feels the bottom of the case, squeezing it with one hand inside and one hand out, looking for a false bottom. He eyeballs the case, turning it over and around.
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We are looking straight down on Moss lying, clothed, on the bed. We are booming straight down toward him.
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