
n. 军人;兵蚁;懒汉;[口]一片烤面包


The soldiers are from Blighty.
>> 16. Slang in Tour Guiding
-sal- = whole 完整的:
The soldiers saluted the colonel; We salute you for your courage and determination.The soldier gave a salute and the officer returned it. He raised his hat as a friendly salute.
>> 81-Escape
Four men walk together and when they come to a narrow junction, stop, seeing something Behind barbed wire, German prisoners of war, guarded by Russian soldiers. Desolate place. No shelters, no tents.
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EXT. RUINS - DAY Szpilman bolts into the doorway of a ruined building. He peers out to see Polish soldiers beginning to surround the ruined building, firing shots, lobbing in a grenade or two.
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Szpilman stands and stares, then sees one of the soldiers cock his rifle and fire at him.
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He sees at one end soldiers serving soup from afield kitchen to a group of people.
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One soldier, with a bucket of white paint and a brush, numbers the building.
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German soldiers with flame-throwers are burning the buildings opposite.
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And at the end of the street, a line of Poles, some with their hands in the air, others with hands on heads, being marched away by German soldiers.
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Two German soldiers wander into his eyeline. He draws back a little but watches them warily.
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EXT. RUINED HOSPITAL - DAY German soldiers dragging the corpses into a pile.
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German soldiers appear from around a corner. Szpilman immediately lies still, pretending to be just another corpse. Flies alight on him. When the Germans pass, he sets off again.
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EXT. ROOFTOP, TWO STREETS AWAY - DAY Two German soldiers are firing at Szpilman.
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The soldier turns and hurries out.
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A German soldier, wearing his gas mask, bayonet fixed, enters the attic, looks round, sees nothing, then:
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The man turns and disappears. The woman also turns, but the German soldier drops to one knee and fires.
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The horse-drawn cab clatters out of his sight. He is about to draw back when he sees, directly beneath him, a man and woman walking with their hands in the air. Then, a German soldier, pointing his rifle at their backs, appears.
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German soldiers with flame-throwers advance carefully then unleash their fire into doorways and windows, and quickly retreat.
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The gun roars. The shell tears into the building. At once the German soldiers open fire with their rifles and lob grenades into the building. The gun fires again.
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As the German soldiers dismount from their vehicles one of them is hit and falls. The others rush for cover.
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A German personnel carrier, an open car carrying officers, and a motorcycle and sidecar roar down the narrow street below towards the buildings at the far end. German soldiers follow behind on the trot, pulling a field gun.
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Szpilman slips off his bunk, hurries to the door, opens it and comes face to face with a German NCO and soldiers.
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The couples dance as fast as they can. A soldier kicks one of the cripples who can't go on any more.
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The German soldiers are, to various degrees, amused. One of them is almost hysterical with laughter.
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At intervals, German soldiers select even more unlikely
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