
adv. 向上;上涨;起来


EXT. HORNET - DAY Doolittle hurries up to the command bridge, with the naval officers sent by the Admiral to fetch him. Doolittle sees the cruisers next to the carrier firing its guns -- at Japanese boats in the distance.>>完整场景
The Japs have set up a picket line!>>完整场景
"Mug wump rickshaw mushu pork." It means "Who the f*** thought up this sh*t?">>完整场景
I wasn't sure, until the day you turned up alive. I never had a chance to tell him. Now I can't have him thinking about this when he needs to be thinking about his mission, and how to come back from it.>>完整场景
They all gather around Doolittle as he moves up to them.>>完整场景
EXT. SAN FRANCISCO AIR FIELD - DAY The crews climb from their planes, and almost before they're out, teams of men use straps and cranes to hoist the bombers onto flatbed trucks. Doolittle walks up to Rafe and Danny, watching the baffling operation.>>完整场景
When we were growing up, I had everything. You had nothing. You climbed out of a hole I couldn't even see the bottom of. I think maybe when I went off to England, I was trying to measure up to you. Measuring up's over. Let's just look out for each other. Okay?>>完整场景
Maybe just trying to measure up.>>完整场景
EXT. EGLIN FIELD - NIGHT Danny's outside, looking up at the moon. Rafe appears and moves up beside him.>>完整场景
Rafe brings his plane down, smoothly. Then Danny's plane appears -- under him. Rafe jerks his nose up quickly.>>完整场景
Doolittle looks up from his paperwork for the first time.>>完整场景
INT. BUNKER - SECRECY ROOM - NIGHT The Major opens the door for Rafe and Danny, then leaves, closing it behind him. Doolittle is alone at a desk. Rafe and Danny walk in and salute. Doolittle motions to the two chairs in front of the desk without looking up from the papers he's studying.>>完整场景
Rafe and Danny move to the plane and hurry up the steps.>>完整场景
The Major, watching the fueling, gets a wave from the ground crew and turns and motions to Rafe and Danny that they're ready. They pick up their duffel bags -- and then Evelyn comes around the corner of the shelter.>>完整场景
Danny sees him and moves up.>>完整场景
That's what I have to tell you, Rafe. It wasn't a choice. It -- An Army Corps MAJOR steps up and interrupts.>>完整场景
The facts speak for themselves. With confidence in our armed forces -- with the unbounding determination of our people -- we will gain the inevitable triumph -- so help us God. I ask that the Congress declare that since the unprovoked and dastardly attack by Japan on Sunday, December 7, 1941, a state of war -- The words echoes out across America -- ROOSEVELT'S VOICE War...war...war... It rings through the radios of farm houses, to country boys gathered round; in the pool halls of big cities; in the fire houses and high schools... THE LINES AT RECRUITING STATIONS all across America -- men line up faster than the recruiters can handle them.>>完整场景
The light comes on and sweeps around the faces. The water is up to their chests, but it's stopped rising.>>完整场景
Rafe and Danny brace the dinghy so it doesn't move; but they still don't see what Dorie is after as he fishes down in the water, for something barely at the surface; he works for a moment, then pulls it up.>>完整场景
INT. HOSPITAL - PEARL HARBOR - NIGHT Rafe and Danny enter. It's a scene from hell. Doctors are doing amputations in the hallway. The once-pristine hospital is now all red, with blood dripping through the mattresses, onto the floor... In the main ward, Evelyn and the other nurses are using the fly sprayers to spritz cooling antiseptic on the charred bodies. Evelyn looks up and sees both Rafe and Danny. Her eyes register relief, but they are the only part of her that can show emotion now; the rest of her is covered in blood.>>完整场景
EXT. JAPANESE EMBASSY - OAHU - DAY The Honolulu police roar up to the embassy in squad cars, and burst through the doors.>>完整场景
We're gonna need every bed. If they can breathe, make 'em get up and move someplace else!>>完整场景
One torpedo, missing the Nevada, skims right up the beach itself and blasts a house on the shore to fragments.>>完整场景
Evelyn moves to the door. Trucks are pulling up, loaded with the wounded, young terrified soldiers bringing them inside; Evelyn does quick triage as they pass.>>完整场景
A fire engine from the Honolulu Fire Department races up to the sight of buildings burning from the air attack. As the firemen jump out, a Zero strafes them, gunning down the firemen.>>完整场景