
adv. 向上;上涨;起来


Danny dials, as waves of bullets sweep the area, and more planes blow up on the flight line. Rafe thinks he's lost his mind.>>完整场景
They're running toward a cluster of fighters, when it goes up with a bomb blast. Rafe and Danny dive at each other; their first instinct is to cover their best friend with their own bodies.>>完整场景
The rumble of planes moving overhead makes them stir; the rumble grows huge, as the shadows of a massive formation makes the sunlight flicker. Danny and Rafe squint up, their heads pounding, and realize what they're seeing. Suddenly their headaches are gone, and Danny's gunning the Buick down the road, toward the base.>>完整场景
Anthony tries to grab him and drag him back to earth but he misses; Billy gets a few steps before the fire from a strafing Zero catches up to him; his friends watch in horror as Billy gets shorter as he runs; the Zero's machine gun fire is sawing his legs off from the feet up.>>完整场景
Billy jumps to his feet and starts to run toward a cluster of fighters that hasn't gone up yet.>>完整场景
He's belting it like a baritone in a bizarre opera. His friends stir; what the hell? Red points outside and tries to talk, but now he can't mutter a syllable. The guys hear the explosions, and realize... EXT. HICKAM FIELD - BARRACKS - DAY The pilots stagger out, half drunk, half dressed. Seeing what's happening, they race toward the flight line, where the clustered American planes are blowing up in groups, and the pilots are knocked to the ground.>>完整场景
INT. HICKAM FIELD - BARRACKS - DAY The pilots of Danny's squadron have returned from their night of drinking and brawling and are crashed on their bunks. Red stirs and staggers toward the head; he bumps into the wall, backs up like a wind-up toy and lurches blindly forward again, into -- INT. BARRACKS - THE HEAD - DAY Red sleepwalks to the urinals and unleashes a marathon piss stream, still in his sleep. A rumble penetrates his brain, and his eyes come open a fraction. Through the window slits above the urinals, he can see a cloud of Japanese planes rushing past.>>完整场景
The nurses and patients look up after the explosions have passed; there's a chunk of smoking shrapnel lying on the springs of the bunk where the last man had been lying.>>完整场景
EXT. THE MESS HALL AT HICKAM FIELD - DAY The men were sitting down to breakfast, but the machine gun bullets tearing up the outer walls have them clogging the doors, and it's so clogged they can't all get out.>>完整场景
INT. NURSES' BARRACKS - DAY Evelyn is up, dressed; her roommates are just stirring.>>完整场景
EXT. DECK OF THE WEST VIRGINIA - DAY Sailors run up from below and are gunned down and blasted down before they can reach their weapons.>>完整场景
INT. BELOW DECKS OF THE WEST VIRGINIA - DAY Dorie Miller, the boxing champion/kitchen helper, is working picking up the breakfast trays when he feels the ship shudder. The intercom comes alive -->>完整场景
-- INSIDE THE SHIPS, sleeping sailors are thrown from their bunks; those already awakened run for their battle stations, and try to make it up to the deck; but there's no escape there, as... -- Zero fighter planes strafe the ships, raking the decks and killing sailors with MACHINE GUN FIRE.>>完整场景
They watch it rush at them...then, a MASSIVE EXPLOSION! It throws up a fifty foot wall of water, hurling the sailors and everything else on the deck into the sea.>>完整场景
-- Children playing in the early morning sun, looking up as they see the planes flash by. The children look -- they've never seen this many, flying this low...but they are not alarmed, only curious.>>完整场景
ON THE JAPANESE CARRIER DECKS, the second wave of planes is being brought up and loaded with munitions...the Japanese flag snaps tautly in the wind... ON THE GOLD COURSE NEAR PEARL HARBOR, American officers are laughing on the putting green near the club house, where the American flag droops from the flag pole, limply at peace.>>完整场景
We have a fighter screen up, in case we are attacked, Admiral.>>完整场景
Radar station has picked up a cloud of blips, coming in from the northeast.>>完整场景
EXT. JAPANESE CARRIERS - FLIGHT DECKS - NIGHT The planes are brought up on the elevators; deck crewmen start rolling them into position.>>完整场景
Danny folds up, drops to his knees, and starts to retch.>>完整场景
Danny slams his fist into Rafe's sick gut. Rafe doubles over again, coughing, nothing left in his belly to come up.>>完整场景
We were both torn up. I started dropping by to see her, because we understood what each other felt. We'd have coffee and try not to talk about you, but we always would.>>完整场景
Rafe straightens up, but the waves of sickness come back over him and he bends over again. Danny looks at his friend, and the pain is written on Danny's face.>>完整场景
I guess I'm used to it. I've felt like throwing up every minute since you got back.>>完整场景
EXT. OAHU - ROAD - NIGHT Danny has pulled his Buick convertible off the road; Rafe is bent over, his head out of frame; he's throwing up. Danny's banged up from the fight and still drunk himself; he waits beside Rafe, who chokes out between heaves -->>完整场景