
adj. 职业的;专业的;职业性的


If I may be so bold as to interject my professional opinion.>>完整场景
- Professional singer?>>完整场景
MED. CLOSE ON CLEMENZA Like a professional, cutting quickly, with the proper tools.>>完整场景
I can't believe that out of thirty professional musicians, not one of you is Italian!>>完整场景
A professional dance team, probably imported from Vegas, dance the tango for the excited guests.>>完整场景
ANGLE ON SAN DE: Who at the last moment turns and catches the ball like a professional receiver. He holds the ball and looks right at Drew, a very stern look on his face.>>完整场景
“You’re a fool, Suggs,” Augustus said. “You don’t appreciate a professional when you see one. Men Deets hangs don’t have to dance on the rope, like some I’ve seen.” “You’re yellowbellies, both of you, or you would have fought me fair,” Dan Suggs said, glaring down at him. “I’ll fight you yet, barehanded, if you’ll just let me down. I’ll fight the both of you right now, and this nigger boy too.” “You’d do better to say goodbye to your brothers,” Call said. “I expect you got them into this.” “They’re not worth a red piss and neither are you,” Dan said.>>完整场景
“Call ain’t never been my boss,” Augustus said. “It’s no say-so of his when I drink.” Jake looked off across the scrubby pastures. There were tufts of grass here and there, but mostly the ground looked hard as flint. Heat waves were rising off it like fumes off kerosene. Something moved in his line of vision, and for a moment he thought he saw some strange brown animal under a chaparral bush. Looking more closely he saw that it was the old Mexican’s bare backside.“Hell, why’d he take a rope if all he meant to do was shit?” he asked. “Where’d you get the greasy old bastard?” “We’re running a charitable home for retired criminals,” Augustus said. “If you’d just retire you’d qualify.” “Dern, I forgot how ugly this country is,” Jake said. “I guess if there was a market for snake meat, this would be the place to get rich.” With that he put his hat over his face, and within no more than two minutes began a gentle snoring. Augustus returned the jug to the springhouse. It occurred to him that while Jake was napping he might pay a visit to Lorie; once she fell under Jake’s spell he would probably require her to suspend professional activities for a while.>>完整场景
this would be a psychiatrist - a substance abuse professional or a psychologist.>>完整场景
( farting ) People say to me, "Hey, don't break wind in here." You know, and like, well, look, I'm a professional.>>完整场景
Well, they've been around, I think, professional farters, for a-- for a number of years.>>完整场景
Female interviewer: Do you know of any professional farters?>>完整场景
- Gentleman that does the... I guess you could give a little... Male interviewer: He's a professional farter.>>完整场景
- Professional saboteurs.>>完整场景
He furrows his bow, noticing something, all professional curiosity now. The animal's tongue, dark purple, droops limply from its mouth.>>完整场景
Coop's a professional. He can handle himself.>>完整场景
Princess Elizabeth is not used to this sort of thing. She's further appalled by the loud gurgling of a toilet being flushed, and startled by the entrance of - LIONEL LOGUE. He's in his forties, tall, with piercing eyes and charismatic features. His demeanor is friendly, but professional. The accent, although Australian, is not heavy, he is after all a speech therapist.>>完整场景
So you have a choice-- you could have me as a professional colleague... passionate... or you can have me as an outspoken outsider, still adamant.>>完整场景
Now, I've sat in your schools and heard people lecture on transference... and professional distance.>>完整场景
The three SEXY GIRLS take us into INT. RUBY SKYE - CONTINUOUS It's a hundred-year old theater that's been converted into a 21st Century hot spot for Silicon Valley's rock stars. The lower level is a giant dance floor packed"with sweating 20- somethings bouncing to pounding house music. There are raised blocks where scantily dressed professional. dancers perform non- stop. A huge lighting grid hangs from the ceiling shooting colored lights and lasers everywhere. Also hanging from the ceiling are two trapeze bars with two performers swinging and contorting.>>完整场景
His lawyer is SY, who's accompanied by some junior associates, one of whom--a pleasant, pretty and professional young contemporary of Mark's named MARYLIN, we'll get to know.>>完整场景
INT. THE COURTROOM - DAY KENDRICK's on the stand. What drives Kaffee's entire examination of Kendrick is this: Kaffee's got him. He's gonna win. At least this round. All he has to do is not let his emotions take control of his professional skill.>>完整场景
I have an obligation to tell you that if you accuse Kendrick or Jessep of any crime without proper evidence, you'll be subject to Court-Martial for professional misconduct. And that's something that'll be stapled to every job application you ever fill out. Markinson's not gonna hold up, he's a crazy man. I'm not saying this to intimidate you. I'm being your lawyer.>>完整场景
Doctor, in your expert, professional opinion, was Willy Santiago poisoned?>>完整场景
Dr. Stone, you've held a license to practice medicine for 21 years, you are Board Certified in Internal Medicine, you are the Chief of Internal Medicine at a hospital which serves over 8000 men. In your professional opinion, was Willy Santiago poisoned?>>完整场景