
n. 使命,任务;布道;代表团


- On the kings mission ?>>完整场景
On a sanctioned mission under the authority and protection of the Crown.>>完整场景
He had a mission, he knew what he wanted to do.>>完整场景
- The mission does rest on the ability of the ROV and the tether system to work.>>完整场景
Of all the other things this mission is doing that have never been done before... I've never sent out planes that I wasn't going to see safely home. Let's get out of here.>>完整场景
INT. PILOT'S WARD ROOMS - SERIES OF DISSOLVES Rafe, Danny, and the other pilots are alone at their bunks, taking advantage of the lull before the mission.>>完整场景
We'll take off late this afternoon. I'll hit Tokyo at dusk, and drop incendiary bombs. You'll come after me at night, guided by the fires. Then it's on to China, where you'll arrive at dawn, guided to their airfields by the homing beacons the Chinese are going to switch on for us. That's if everything is perfect -- like every other military mission I've ever been involved with.>>完整场景
Gentlemen, I can now tell you that the target of this mission is Tokyo.>>完整场景
I wasn't sure, until the day you turned up alive. I never had a chance to tell him. Now I can't have him thinking about this when he needs to be thinking about his mission, and how to come back from it.>>完整场景
I thought I'd made it clear, I'm not just putting this mission together -- I'm leading it myself.>>完整场景
(whispering) A long range bomber mission.>>完整场景
Doc White is a flight surgeon; he has volunteered for gunnery training so that he can go on the mission, because we can't spare the weight of an extra man.>>完整场景
Be seated. The mission you've volunteered for is dangerous. How dangerous? Look at the man beside you.>>完整场景
You're just about the only pilots in the Army with actual combat experience, so you're volunteering for a mission I've been ordered to put together. Do you know what top secret is?>>完整场景
SAILOR'S VOICE (LETTER) My revered father, I go now to fulfill my mission and my destiny.>>完整场景
Twitter needs to become by far the most accurate source of information about the world. That's our mission.>>完整场景
EXT. AMERICAN MILITARY MISSION - VIEW ON MICHAEL - DAY standing by his car, looking through the cyclone fencing that borders this military training camp operated by the American Army near the city.>>完整场景
Time's up! So, here are the standings after the mission portion of the competition.>>完整场景
Now, remember, this mission test is worth 70% of the final score.>>完整场景
Each team will conduct an eight-part mission with tasks worth between five and 15 points for a total of 100 points.>>完整场景
Your mission, if you choose to accept it, is to explore a sunken World War II submarine and the surrounding area.>>完整场景
This will probably be the toughest mission that any of you all will experience.>>完整场景
If we're to win the trust of Helmand province, it demands that this mission be seen to be of your design.>>完整场景
This mission needs your consent.>>完整场景
No one has ever asked me to approve a mission before.>>完整场景