adj. 快速的,迅速的;紧的,稳固的
- she was fast asleep ; climb towards me ; the shed ; against the wall ; climb towards the bedroom window ; a sarcastic voice below said ; fell off the ladder ;>> 92-Asking for Trouble
- But so far, the public has expressed its gratitude to the students in lettters to the Press. Only one or two people have objected that the students will drive too fast!
但到目前为止,公众已经在给媒体的信中表达了对学生的感激之情。只有一两个人反对学生开车太快!>> 84-On Strike- Nobuild:
- The dream has come true. It’s now possible to build fast, modern web applications without transpiling or bundling either JavaScript or CSS. I’ve been working towards this personal nirvana ever since we begrudgingly started transpiling and bundling assets in the late 2000s. Browsers just weren’t good enough back then to avoid it. But they are now.
梦想成真了。现在可以构建快速、现代的web应用程序,而无需转换或绑定JavaScript或CSS。自从我们在21世纪末开始不情愿地运输和捆绑资产以来,我一直在努力实现个人涅盘。当时的浏览器还不够好,无法避免这种情况。但现在他们做到了。>> Rails8- Beyond plenty fast enough for most applications. As a bonus, Solid Cable retains the messages sent in the database for a day by default, which may ease debugging of tricky live update issues.
对于大多数应用程序来说,速度已经足够快了。作为额外的好处,Solid Cable默认情况下会将数据库中发送的消息保留一天,这可能会简化棘手的实时更新问题的调试。>> Rails8- Solid Cable replaces the need for Redis to act as the pubsub server to relay WebSocket messages from the application to clients connected to different processes. It uses fast polling, but it’s still almost as quick as Redis, when run through the same server on SQLite.
Solid Cable取代了Redis作为pubsub服务器将WebSocket消息从应用程序中继到连接到不同进程的客户端的需要。它使用快速轮询,但当在SQLite上的同一服务器上运行时,它仍然几乎和Redis一样快。>> Rails8- These adapters are all created from the same premise: Disks have gotten fast enough that we don’t need RAM for as many tasks. This allows us to reap the simplification benefits of SSD and NVMe drives being orders of magnitude faster than good-old spinning rust.
这些适配器都是基于同一个前提创建的:磁盘已经变得足够快,我们不需要RAM来完成那么多任务。这使我们能够获得SSD和NVMe驱动器的简化优势,其速度比旧的旋转生锈快几个数量级。>> Rails8- This proxy provides super fast zero-downtime deploys, automated SSL certificates via Let’s Encrypt, and support for multiple applications on a single server without any complicated configuration.
此代理提供超快速的零停机部署,通过Let's Encrypt自动SSL证书,并支持单个服务器上的多个应用程序,而无需任何复杂的配置。>> Rails8- Deploying modern web apps – with all the provisions needed to be fast and secure while easily updateable – has become so hard that many developers don’t dare do it without a PaaS (platform-as-a-service). But that’s ridiculous.
部署现代web应用程序(具有快速、安全和易于更新所需的所有规定)变得如此困难,以至于许多开发人员在没有PaaS(平台即服务)的情况下不敢这样做。但这太荒谬了。>> Rails8- Your progress will be so insane, so fast that it's beyond imagination.>> 马斯克: 如果你对自己说
- INT./EXT. 1ST APARTMENT - DAY Szpilman still fast asleep. Voices wake him. He opens his eyes. He's not certain where he is for a moment.>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
- EXT. GEBCZYNSKI'S STORE - NIGHT The rickshaw comes to a halt outside a store. The moment it stops the shutters of the store are raised and Bogucki escorts Szpilman to the door, then quickly returns to the rickshaw, which moves off fast.>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
- EXT. WISNIOWA STREET - NIGHT Dimly lit. Empty street. Szpilman walks fast to the corner, stops, looks round anxiously. Nothing. He takes the armband from his pocket and drops it through the grating of a drain in the gutter just as there's movement in a darkened doorway. Szpilman tenses.>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
- The family rise to their feet fast, except for the old man in the wheelchair. The NCO bears down on him.>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
- The couples dance as fast as they can. A soldier kicks one of the cripples who can't go on any more.>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
- How? But my dear, he isn't received. He's had to spend most of his time up North because his folks in Charleston won't even speak to him. He was expelled from West Point, he's so fast. And then there's that business about that girl he wouldn't marry...>> 飘 Gone with the Wind Movie Script
- What's important is that you can quickly deliver your thoughts quickly . without any hesitation, without any bottlenecks, without waiting and hesitating and thinking and translating, but just delivering your words as fast as you can. That's important and when you give lectures.>> You don't need perfect
- Don't pay attention to mistakes you make.Just make sure people understand you. Don't try to make it the right way .Don't try to say it the right way, but make sure people easily and fast, understand you, and that you know they say that you can really use the language, not only english, but any language if you can explain the meaning of any word using other words.>> You don't need perfect
- Not very fast, but... Sit down.>> 邮差 Postino Il Movie Script
- Just don't get discouraged stick with it , It's slow at first but it's only slow at first and you'll never become fast if you don't take those slow steps first.>> 学习第二语言请慢慢来 take your time
- But that gets old real fast.>> 为人师表 Stand and Deliver (1988) Movie Script
- You're not even breathing hard, you're hurrying so fast.>> 为人师表 Stand and Deliver (1988) Movie Script
- 240 DOWNANGLE on the two figures lying side by side, fully clothed, on a bed in a FIRST CLASS CABIN. Elderly Ida and Isador Strauss stare at the ceiling, holding hands like young lovers. Water pours into the room through a doorway. It swirls around the bed, two feet deep rising fast.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- (to her) It's going fast... we've got to keep moving.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- Well, whatever we're goin' to do, we better do it fast.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script
- She's making water fast... in the forepeak tank and the forward holds, in boiler room six.>> 泰坦尼克号 Titanic (1997) Movie Script