pron. 那;那个
- It is the tears of the earth that keep her smiles in bloom.>> Stray Birds
- We read the world wrong and say that it deceives us.
我们看错了世界,说它欺骗了我们。>> Stray Birds- “Did I count the eggs wrongly?” mother duck wondered. But before she had time to think about it, the last egg finally hatched. A strange looking duckling with grey feathers that should have been yellow gazed at a worried mother. The ducklings grew quickly but mother duck had a secret worry.
“我数错蛋了吗?”鸭妈妈想。但她还没来得及想,最后一个蛋终于孵化了。一只长相奇怪的小鸭,灰色的羽毛应该是黄色的,盯着一位忧心忡忡的母亲。小鸭们长得很快,但鸭妈妈有一个秘密的担忧。>> The Ugly Duckling- that ends our special bulletin for today.
今天的特别报道到此结束。>> 76-April Fools' Day- I think China is moving in that direction.>> People lose hope lose vision
- Sure that I had passed, I was almost beginning to enjoy my test.
我确信自己通过了考试,几乎开始享受考试了。>> 69-But not Murder!- A colony of birds, insects, or animals is a group of them that live together.>> 66-Sweet as Honey
- Don't take it for granted that "big shots" are always right.
不要想当然地认为“大人物”总是对的。>> 16. Slang in Tour Guiding- That's not my cup of tea.>> 16. Slang in Tour Guiding
- That rings the bell.
你说对了。>> 16. Slang in Tour Guiding- It's not just about spotting whales; it's about understanding the sea and the wildlife that live there.>> 63-She Was Not Amused
- Fear me if you dare means that the person he's saying that to should be careful not to underestimate him, that he shouldn't be taken lightly.>> 60-The Future
- The Guest:
- Yes, that's right. I am White, You are ...>> Meeting the Guests at the Airport
- I was annoyed that they hadn't turned up.>> 59-In or Out?
- So that is a very quick tour of Rails, this is a wonderful way of getting started,just to use those scaffold generators and the authentication generators to get something going, get a Hello world out there, start working on your application, and before you know it, you might just be taking your application all the way from Hello World to IPO.
这是Rails的快速浏览,这是一种很好的入门方式,只需使用这些脚手架生成器和身份验证生成器即可开始工作,创建一个Hello world,开始开发你的应用程序,不知不觉中,你可能会把你的应用程序从Hello world一直带到IPO。>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company- We're not gonna change that for this little example, but now let's check in that PWA files, and then let's deploy to production one more time. and as you can see, look in the top right corner, when I reload it, we now have that little install icon in Chrome. and if I click that little install icon, I'm gonna get this prompt, and boom! I have a PWA running in production for my Rails application.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- And it's gonna refer to an icon, by default,we just have a nice red dot.but you should obviously replace that with your application. And if I hop in and have a look at the service worker, it is sort of already set up for doing we push,just as an example here, having some listeners, you can tweak that as you see fit.
它将指向一个图标,默认情况下,我们只有一个漂亮的红点。但你显然应该用你的应用程序替换它。如果我跳进去看看服务工作者,它已经为我们推送做了准备,就像这里的一个例子,有一些监听器,你可以根据需要进行调整。>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company- We're gonna turn the manifest on in our route file as well. There are basically two lines here as you can see, there's a manifest, and there's a service worker that you can use for your PWA.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- we're gonna create a link reference here to manifest just exists here as a comment that you can reference. We're gonna turn the manifest on in our route file as well.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- SO now, we're created that user in production using our Kamal consol! I can log in with that user/pasword.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- So, be careful when you create things, that are gonna be created on the server side in your real database.The database, by the way? we haven't talked much about that, and that is because we're using SQLite. So, there is nothing to configure,there's nothing to set up, SQLite is now a suitable database for production with Rails. we have tuned it with all the right pragmas,to run SQLite well in production, you of course still need to set up a way to back that up, but everything else is preconfigured for you.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- Kamal console:
- Kamal also gives you a way to start a console on the server side that is just like the console I showed you earlier that ran in development! You can see here, it reminds you that you are in production.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- All right , let's save that and hop back,and see a reload here, now, we have a sign out button, and we can sign out, and that's all it should be. let's deploy this to production, we're gonna just check this thing into Git, deploy it straight to production, go back to our alpha.software...Oops! That didn't work. Why did that not work?>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- So, it's no gonna show that button if we're not already authenticated, which is good because this layout is also used for login.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company
- Now, let's add a way to sign out to the main layout here. we can add that with a button to sign out.it's gonna hit the session path, and it's gonna use a method of delete that session if we're authenticated, as you can see there.>> Rails 8.0.1 You are in good company