
n. 中文,汉语;中国人


"What is your name" means what's your name in Chinese!>>完整场景
More galling still was the fact that no member of his own firm had noticed the motto, not even Newt, from whom Augustus expected a certain alertness. Of course two members of the firm were totally illiterate—three, if he chose to count Bolivar—and wouldn’t have known Latin from Chinese. Still, the way they casually treated the sign as just part of the landscape caused Augustus to brood a good deal about the contempt that familiarity breeds.>>完整场景
- I ordered Chinese. Come up!>>完整场景
You pick up the paper, you read about 84 men or 284, or a million men, like in the Chinese famine.>>完整场景
Is Kung Pao chicken a Chinese dish?>>完整场景
what are you planning to do this Chinese New Year?>>完整场景
Well, rocketry was actually invented by the Chinese as early as 1,000 A.D.>>完整场景
116 INT. JORDAN’S ESTATE - MASTER BEDROOM - DAY (FEB ‘95) 116 Amid billowing piles of white Chinese silk, Jordan sleepson his back, snoring blissfully.>>完整场景
It's the first time a major Chinese Internet company has gone public in the United States.>>完整场景
The Chinese e-commerce giant, Alibaba, took Wall Street by storm today.>>完整场景
And to the Chinese executives who made millions while their companies collapsed.>>完整场景
My investment in these U.S. listed Chinese companies, represented at least 50 percent of my assets.>>完整场景
What attracted me to U.S.-listed Chinese stocks, were the high returns.>>完整场景
Even someone like Crocker Coulson, who worked inside the system, couldn't find out what was really going on with these Chinese companies.>>完整场景
Bottom line is, the Chinese government and the U.S. government, on most levels, don't work that well together.>>完整场景
If I go abroad, if I lie to foreign investors, Chinese authorities can do nothing to me.>>完整场景
(in Mandarin) If a company releases false information about its financial report in the U.S. market, Chinese domestic regulatory authorities have no power to punish it.>>完整场景
So I found an employee of the Chinese state financial news agency, who was willing to take a risk to confirm the truth.>>完整场景
Now, they're outgunned and outmanned, like Keystone Cops chasing the starship "Enterprise." Even if the SEC gets its entire wish list of documents from the company and they have enough evidence to pursue a case, the Chinese people responsible for this, don't really care.>>完整场景
So, if the Chinese credit bubble pops, whether it's sooner or later, dragging the Chinese economy down with it, what kinds of vulnerabilities might we see?>>完整场景
What we do need to be worried about more, is the continuation of the imbalances in China and what that might imply... How fast is the Chinese economy growing?>>完整场景
Today, the Committee will hear testimony on the Chinese economy and the risk it may pose to the United States.>>完整场景
There was a Senate hearing on whether or not the Chinese economy poses a strategic danger to our economy.>>完整场景
But I ended up locked in a Chinese prison for two years.>>完整场景
He's a Chinese national committing crimes in China.>>完整场景