
n. 中文,汉语;中国人


Dan had told me that going after Chinese companies, could be dangerous.>>完整场景
The Chinese call this network of personal relationships, guanxi.>>完整场景
A Chinese chicken farmer does not wake up one day and understand how to defraud the U.S. capital markets.>>完整场景
Individual mom-and-pop investors and mutual funds were invested in these Chinese companies, so it really does affect the average person on the street as well.>>完整场景
He realized that hundreds of millions of dollars in Chinese reverse mergers that he'd sold were frauds, but he didn't react with shame, just pragmatism.>>完整场景
Digging into the papers, they uncovered a new way to understand what was really going on with the hundreds of Chinese companies listed on U.S. exchanges.>>完整场景
As Dan and Carson began looking for other Chinese companies to short, Matt was just getting back from his safari.>>完整场景
There was a statement from five Beijing finance professors who alleged wealthy and sophisticated short sellers from overseas were robbing small Chinese investors and ignoring risks of market instability.>>完整场景
The Chinese businesses were a huge profit center for Loeb & Loeb, but I imagined that the company's often-shoddy paperwork posed a problem for Nussbaum and his colleagues.>>完整场景
Mitch had helped bring dozens of Chinese companies to market, and he knew how to fight back.>>完整场景
Every day, all around the world, Deloitte professionals are making an impact that matters... It turns out that dozens of Chinese reverse mergers used the same trick hiding shady financials behind audits from the Big Four.>>完整场景
The "Muddy Waters Report" was the first major claim against a Chinese company, and it began to resonate throughout the industry nowhere more so than at Roth Capital, who'd engineered the deal.>>完整场景
Even though it's China and it's a fast-growing economy, pigs do not fly in China, and I think that... There's a proverb in Chinese, "Muddy waters makes it easy to catch fish." (speaking Mandarin) Yeah, so it means water.>>完整场景
It would change the course of his life, but more importantly, it was the first time anyone had poked a hole in the Chinese miracle.>>完整场景
Between 2006 and 2012, over 400 Chinese companies listed on U.S. markets.>>完整场景
The Chinese company then takes the shell company's place in the market.>>完整场景
a Chinese company looking for a way into American exchanges merges with the shell of a defunct U.S. company that no longer operates but still legally exists and has a listing on a U.S. stock exchange.>>完整场景
While Rodman and Roth made fees for bringing Chinese companies to the U.S., the real paydays came when the companies listed on major stock exchanges Their analysts would recommend the risky stocks as great investments, and then their salesmen-- like Matt, would push them on their investment network.>>完整场景
During the six years that General Clark was chairman, Rodman & Renshaw brought over 40 Chinese companies to U.S. markets, with an aggregate value of over $31 billion.>>完整场景
But with a luminary like General Clark as their public face, they'd reemerged as a respectable-looking bank, hosting parties and selling Chinese stock.>>完整场景
Between 2006 and 2011, Roth hosted over a dozen conferences and raised billions for Chinese companies.>>完整场景
The Chinese wanted to see what kind of a person you were, and some of them felt like the more drunk you got, the more of your natural persona would come out.>>完整场景
Now Dan and others like him could participate in the Chinese economic miracle, and the bank's young salesmen had the chance to make a killing with the right pitch.>>完整场景
Roth found a niche that the big banks had overlooked, taking small Chinese companies and listing them directly on U.S. stock exchanges.>>完整场景
There was just one problem, foreigners like Dan couldn't invest directly in Chinese markets.>>完整场景