
pron. 这些


We're gonna fight these f***ers.>>完整场景
EXT. HALEIWA - AUXILIARY AIRFIELD - DAY Haleiwa is a tiny airfield, tucked among the green volcanic hills; its barely paved, and it's only permanent building is a quonset hut. A mechanic named EARL, is out with the P-40's; and these are spread out, not bunched.>>完整场景
At these words, she looks at him for a long, long moment.>>完整场景
Between these two is something they call the Vacant Sea. If I were the Japs, I'd send a task force there. You could hide the entire land mass of Asia in the Vacant Sea, and nobody would know.>>完整场景
Twenty double-a tranches of abs cdo's eh yes.. But these eh... These are pretty bad absolutely, they're complete sh*t!>>完整场景
That's my opinion! -Aw, we bought these f***ing things, and we have no clue how to sell them I know, we have to get Ben to do it!>>完整场景
Tell me Morgan-Stanley doesn't hold the contracts on these swaps holy sh*t all this time I've been trying to figure out whom I've been betting against.>>完整场景
Right now, every bank in town is unloading these sh*t-bonds under un-suspecting customers and they won't devalue them until they get them off their books this level of criminality is unprecedented even on f***ing wall-street!>>完整场景
You realize that? These people are crooks and they should be in prison!>>完整场景
I know it sounds odd, but these are very complicated products!>>完整场景
I rarely ever say these words but I think Charlie is right!>>完整场景
Gentlemen! -When do we get a chance to face-time with some of these lovely folks?>>完整场景
Charlie, vennett says these are the people we're betting against.>>完整场景
It looks like someone just hit a piata that was filled with white people who suck at golf I mean, who are all these clown?>>完整场景
There's no way you're marketing these swaps appropriately!>>完整场景
Either the banks are clueless and they don't know how to value these cdo's or... They're suck crooks that... the cdo's are worth sh*t, and they're hiding it!>>完整场景
Have you ever refused to rate any of these bonds upper-tranches AAA?>>完整场景
If these mortgage-bonds are so stable, so solid have you ever refused to rate?>>完整场景
They're giving these loans to anyone with a credit-score and a pulse what do you think we do here all day?>>完整场景
You're convinced the underlying mortgages in these bonds are solid loans?>>完整场景
Cool tell me more about these cdo's yeah yeah, ehm, ok vennett mentioned the cdo's, but actually, we took a look and they're way worse then even he realizes -these things don't even make sense Ben.>>完整场景
So, how many of these are eh..>>完整场景
You know, every one of these vegetables is fresh from my garden you guys should start your own garden!>>完整场景
We're dead in the water... These kind of trades are totally out of the question!>>完整场景
Institutions treat these cdo's like they're as solid as treasury bonds.>>完整场景