
pron. 这些


I just need to know how these could possibly be correlated.>>完整场景
Alright... Let me put it this way... I'm standing in front of a burning house, and I'm offering you fire insurance on it how can these underlying bonds be... As bad as you say?>>完整场景
Because the banks are too busy getting paid obscene fees to sell these bonds.>>完整场景
A lot of these bbb's are going to zero too.>>完整场景
Chris... Somewhere along the line, these Bs and bb's went from a little risky to dogshit.>>完整场景
So now we pay up premiums on these swaps against housing-market until the mortgages fail?>>完整场景
I never hung out with these idiots after work, ever! I had fashion friends.>>完整场景
I like these cups, could I take one for my son?>>完整场景
We're prepared to sell you 5 million in credit default swaps on these mortgage bonds.>>完整场景
Dr burry, these should be fine!>>完整场景
I don't think they even know what they've made the housing market is propped up on these bad loans.>>完整场景
Sh*t our friend Michael burry found out, that these mortgages bonds that were supposedly 65 percent AAA, were actually just, basically full of sh*t.>>完整场景
By the way, these risky>>完整场景
So the banks started filling these bonds with riskier and riskier mortgages thank you Henry that way, they can keep that profit machine churning right?>>完整场景
And when the majority of these adjustable rates kick in... in '07 they will begin to fail and if they fail above 15 percent the whole bond is worthless.>>完整场景
The fact is that these mortgage backed securities are filled with extremely risky sub-prime adjustable rates.>>完整场景
Well, all through history, terrible things have happened to these people.>>完整场景
Well, after all these years, here l am in Sicily for the first time.>>完整场景
''Our ships must all sail in the same direction''... ltalian politics have had these men for centuries. They are the true Mafia.>>完整场景
Only Lucchesi can reach between these two worlds.>>完整场景
But these ''friends'' used the good name of the Church to feed their greed.>>完整场景
l want to protect you from these guys.>>完整场景
The Vatican knows nothing about these shareholders.>>完整场景
lt was not so long ago that l held you in these old hands.>>完整场景
Joe, it's Vinnie. These are our guests.>>完整场景