adj. 著名的;[口]极好的,非常令人满意的
- I have only this Kadri has chosen you and made me do that Since the moment and ran over the feet This place and I know how to command Seoul Not? - No - Count famous women Bzir Well, it would not be desired tonight ! Wait ! Sorry That he Here it is I left her an envelope just Check all the cameras that we are sure we got to the point of ! Oh, my God Well, get out of here this Idiot Not supposed to be here That I go I'm sorry ! Come on, you want to dance Not supposed to be here No This is the only place Which is supposed to be the How did you come here?>> 致命伴旅 The Tourist (2010) Movie Script
- He walks to an area of the chamber under the famous painting and stands staring at it.>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
- (beat) Of course they did – what kind of story do you think my Bau Bau would tell? He stayed in front of the temple until they could no longer say no. He went on to become one of the most famous monks in the history of the temple.>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
- temple:
- the famous Shaolin monk painting, the depressions in the floor of the training hall, the incense blackened walls of the temple, the temple figurines, the red lanterns hanging from the ceiling, a huge wooden carving of Bodhidharma, etc.>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
- Please excuse me... Your gold mines dried up Yeah There's still a little matter of the $ 150,000 loan, I've discreetly left off the books Your can't even meet the payroll for your coolies Damn your smell like a pail of dung Here, try some of these Maybe it'll help your breath Put a $ 100,000 is in the safe I'll take care of everything else What? Another $ 100,000 Do as I say Keep your faces covered, I want your identities kept secret I'd mark pretty face on every post office and board... besides the Mississippi Hell I want to be famous Shut up!>> 西域雄狮 Once Upon a Time in China and America Movie Script
- You fell victim to one of the classic blunders. The most famous is "Never get involved in a land war in Asia." But only slightly less well known is this: "Never go in against a Sicilian when death is on the line.">> The Princess Bride Movie Script
- “But, Captain,” the boy said. “They say you were the most famous Ranger. They say you’ve carried Captain McCrae three thousand miles just to bury him. They say you started the first ranch in Montana. My boss will fire me if I don’t talk to you. They say you’re a man of vision.” “Yes, a hell of a vision,” Call said. He was forced to put spurs to the dun to get away from the boy, who stood scribbling on a pad.
“但是,船长,”男孩说。“他们说你是最著名的游骑兵。他们说你背着麦克雷上尉走了三千英里,只是为了埋葬他。他们说,你在蒙大拿州建立了第一个牧场。如果我不跟你说话,我的老板会解雇我的。他们说:你是一个有远见的人。”“是的,一个有远见卓识的人,”Call说。他被迫用马刺戳住那个站在垫子上乱涂乱画的男孩。>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇- “I should have caught him and cooked him when I had the chance,” Blue Duck said.“He would have killed you,” Call said; annoyed by the man’s insolent tone. “Or I would have, if need be.” Blue Duck smiled. “I raped women and stole children and burned houses and shot men and run off horses and killed cattle and robbed who I pleased, all over your territory, ever since you been a law,” he said. “And you never even had a good look at me until today. I don’t reckon you would have killed me.” Sheriff Owensby reddened, embarrassed that the man would insult a famous Ranger, but there was little he could do about it. Call knew there was truth in what Blue Duck said, and merely stood looking at the man, who was larger than he had supposed. His head was huge and his eyes cold as snake’s eyes.
“我应该抓住他,趁有机会把他煮熟,”蓝鸭说。“他会杀了你的,”Call说;被那人傲慢的语气惹恼了。“或者,如果需要的话,我会的。”蓝鸭笑着说。他说:“自从你们成为法律以来,我在你们的领土上强奸了妇女,偷走了孩子,烧毁了房屋,枪杀了男人,跑下马,杀牛,抢劫了我喜欢的人。”。“直到今天,你才好好地看了我一眼。我想你不会杀了我的。”欧文斯比警长脸红了,他很尴尬,因为那人会侮辱一位著名的游骑兵,但他对此无能为力。Call知道蓝鸭说的是真的,只是站在那里看着那个比他想象的要大的人。他的头很大,眼睛冷得像蛇的眼睛。>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇- One night he felt the country was too rough for evening travel so he camped by the Purgatoire River, or Picketwire, as the cowboys called it. He heard the sound of an approaching horse and wearily picked up his rifle. It was only one horse. Dusk had not quite settled into night, and he could see the rider coming—a big man. The horse turned out to be a red mule and the big man Charles Goodnight. Call had known the famous cattleman since the Fifties, and they had ridden together a few times in the Frontier Regiment, before he and Gus were sent to the border. Call had never taken to the man—Goodnight was indifferent to authority, or at least unlikely to put any above his own—but he could not deny that the man had uncommon ability. Goodnight rode up to the campfire but did not dismount.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- With her, it was different. He had never raised a hand to her, though she provoked him often, and deeply. Perhaps it was because he had never quite believed that she would marry him, or never quite understood why she had. The shadow of Augustus McCrae had hung over their courtship; Bob had never known why she chose him over the famous Ranger, or over any of the other men she could have had. In her day she had been the most sought-after girl in Texas, and yet she had married him, and followed him to the Nebraska plains, and stayed and worked beside him. It was hard country for women, Bob knew that. Women died, went crazy or left. The wife of their nearest neighbor, Maude Jones, had killed herself with a shotgun one morning, leaving a note which merely said, “Can’t stand listening to this wind no more.” Maude had had a husband and four children, but had killed herself anyway. For a time, Clara had taken in the children, until their grandparents in Missouri came for them. Len Jones, Maude’s husband, soon drank himself into poverty. He fell out of his wagon drunk one night and froze to death not two hundred yards from a saloon.
和她在一起,情况就不同了。他从未向她举手,尽管她经常深深地激怒他。也许是因为他从来没有完全相信她会嫁给他,或者从来没有完全理解她为什么会嫁给他。奥古斯特·麦克雷的影子笼罩着他们的求爱;鲍勃从来不知道她为什么选择他而不是著名的游侠,或者她本可以拥有的任何其他男人。在她那个时代,她是得克萨斯州最受欢迎的女孩,但她嫁给了他,跟着他去了内布拉斯加州平原,在他身边呆着工作。鲍勃知道,这对女人来说是个艰难的国家。女人死了,疯了,或者离开了。一天早上,他们最近的邻居莫德·琼斯的妻子用霰弹枪自杀,留下一张纸条,上面只写着:“再也受不了这风了。”莫德有一个丈夫和四个孩子,但还是自杀了。有一段时间,克拉拉收留了孩子们,直到他们在密苏里州的祖父母来接他们。莫德的丈夫伦琼斯很快就喝得酩酊大醉,陷入了贫困。一天晚上,他醉醺醺地从马车上掉下来,在离酒馆不到两百码的地方冻死了。>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇- “You run with Call and McCrae, didn’t you?” Dan said. “I’ve never met Call or McCrae but I’ve heard they’re hard men.” It irked Jake a little that those two had such reputations. It seemed to him that he had done about as much as they had, in the rangering days. After all, he was the man who had shot one of the most famous bandits on the border.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- It was still raining when they came to the low banks of the Red River. The river was up somewhat, but it was still not a very wide channel or a very deep one. What worried Call was the approach to it—over a hundred yards of wet, rusty- colored sand. The Red was famous for its quicksands.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- A thought that nagged Call was that he had let Gus go off alone to do a job that was too big for him—a job they ought to have done together. Often, during the day, as he rode ahead of the herd, he would look to the northwest, hoping to see Gus returning. More and more the thought came to him that Gus was probably dead. Men simply vanished into the llano to die somewhere and lie without graves, their bones eventually scattered by varmints. Of course, Gus was a famous man, in his way. If Blue Duck had killed him he might brag, and word would eventually get back. But what if some young renegade who didn’t know he was famous killed him? Then he would simply be gone.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- If Blue Duck intended to trade her to an Indian, he would probably take her farther west, through the region known as the Quitaque, and then north to a crossing on the Canadian where the Comanches had traded captives for decades. Nearby was the famous Valley of Tears, spoken of with anguish by such captives as had been recovered. There the Comancheros divided captives, mothers being separated from their children and sold to different bands, the theory being that if they were isolated they would be less likely to organize escapes.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- Call agreed with him. Augustus had always proved to be a good deal more capable than most outlaws, even famous ones.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “Oh, now, John, I wouldn’t threaten these gentlemen if I was you,” Ned Tym said, appalled at what he was hearing. “This is Captain Call and Captain McCrae.” “Well, what’s that to me?” the man said, whirling on Ned. “I never heard of them and I won’t have these old cowboys coming in here and making this kind of mess.” “They ain’t old cowboys,” Ned said. “They’re Texas Rangers. You’ve heard of them. You’ve just forgot.” “I don’t know why I would have,” the man said. “I just lived here two years, miserable ones at that. I don’t necessarily keep up with every old-timer who ever shot at an Indian. It’s mostly tall tales anyway, just old men bragging on themselves.” “John, you don’t know what you’re talking about,” Ned said, growing more alarmed. “Captain Call and Captain McCrae would be the last ones to brag.” “Well, that’s your opinion,” John said. “They look like braggarts to me.” Call was beginning to feel annoyed, for the young man was giving them unmannerly looks and talking to them as if they were trash; but then it was partly Gus’s fault. The fact that the bartender had been a little slow and insolent hadn’t necessarily been a reason to break his nose. Gus was touchy about such things though. He enjoyed having been a famous Texas Ranger and was often put out if he didn’t receive all the praise he thought he had coming.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- At first it made a problem because Joe had never been on such an important journey, and there were many things he wanted to ask about. For one thing, he was curious to know how they were going to go about catching Jake Spoon. Also, he was curious about Indians, and about the famous Texas Rangers Roscoe said were protecting Jake. He wanted to know how far it was to Texas and if they would see an ocean on the trip.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- “I expect to find him down around San Antonio,” July said. “I believe he has friends there.” Roscoe had to snort at that remark. “That’s right,” he said. “Two of the most famous Texas Rangers that ever lived, that’s his friends. July will be lucky not to get hung himself. If you ask me, Jake Spoon ain’t worth it.” “It’s nothing to do with what he’s worth,” Peach said. “Ben was the one who was worth it. He was my husband and July’s brother and the mayor of this town. Who else do you think seen to it your salary got paid?”“The salary I get don’t take much seeing to,” Roscoe said. “A dern midget could see to it.” At thirty dollars a month he considered himself grievously underpaid.>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
- That's okay." - ( farting sounds ) - ( audience laughing ) ( farting loudly ) And Japan even-- you know, even had a guy that did that and there was a-- a famous scroll which I talk about in "Who Cut The Cheese" and it told a story-- this goes back about maybe, uh, about 300 or 400 years or so, and, you know, even in Japanese society, you know, farting was funny.>> Fart: A Documentary Movie Script
- And he was-- where the famous can-can dancers perform, and he was the highest paid act.>> Fart: A Documentary Movie Script
- That's why I always carry this- the famous J. Albert & Son boomerang harmonica.>> 澳大利亚乱世情 Australia Movie Script
- Wow, is this a famous painting? Kevin, look. Except for a few circles, there's nothing! The artist isn't very good. I could paint this!>> 2023-12 Pasta Problem
- Ben wants me to help him get better at singing, but he's a worse singer than my cat! He needs to practice if he wants to be famous.>> 2023-12 Pasta Problem
- Szabo, you tell ajoke for a change Even a Jewish joke... we're very tolerant There was this commandant in a concentration camp, named Muller And he had a glass eye When the mood struck him, Commandant Muller would call over an inmate ...to prove to him the quality of German craftsmanship: If the prisoner could tell him which of his eyes was fake, he was spared If the prisoner guessed wrong, he'd be shot Jakob Korngold took a look at the commandant, and said 'Why, my Commandant, the left one is the glass eye 'How did you figure it out so quickly? ' Whereupon Jakob Korngold said 'You see, my Commandant, 'it's the one that favors me with a kindly look' Good joke, Szabo Very good joke And now, you, play the famous song for us!>> 布达佩斯之恋Gloomy Sunday AKA The Piano Player) Movie Script