
adj. 著名的;[口]极好的,非常令人满意的


[brass band plays celebratory music] [cheering and applause] [Nye] Wernher von Braun is a famous German scientist and he took these ideas about how to operate liquid-fueled rockets and he made these extraordinary spacecraft that went on to put humans on the Moon.>>完整场景
Stepping up shoulder to shoulder -- Aramis, d'Artagnan, Athos, Porthos -- the four veteran Musketeers meet the charge, first with pistols, then with swords, a wall between Louis' men and Phillippe. The battle in the cramped confines of the corridor is bloody and fierce; the young attackers can only get a few men into the fight at any one time, and those who step before the famous veterans are cut down.>>完整场景
Sitting lightly in the saddle is D'ARTAGNAN famous Musketeer, Captain of the King's Royal Bodyguard. He is still handsome at mid-life, still erect, unambiguous in his courage and his loyalty.>>完整场景
He has lead countless... scientific hot air balloon expeditions on all continents and is the inventor of a wide range of flying devices used in the famous canopy raft missions.>>完整场景
I care. Don't you know what Caen's famous for, Sarge?>>完整场景
Another problem facing Eisenhower was this: his two most famous generals... Patton, who was in the south... and Montgomery in the north... disliked each other intensely.>>完整场景
You think I gave a sh*t if you were famous?>>完整场景
Why? Are you a famous writer?>>完整场景
So are you one of those girls who only dates famous writers?>>完整场景
Why? Is he really famous and important?>>完整场景
161EXT -- SHAWSHANK PRISON -- DAY (1963) 161 FLASHBULBS POP as Norton addresses MEMBERS OF THE PRESS: RED (V.O.) That was also the year Warden Norton instituted his famous "Inside-Out" program. You may remember reading about it. It made all the papers and got his picture in LIFE magazine.>>完整场景
the new poster:
the famous shot from "The Seven Year Itch," on the subway grate with skirt billowing up. Andy sits gazing at her as lights-out commences... 155INT -- RED'S CELL -- NIGHT (1957) 155 ...and we find Red gazing blankly as darkness takes the cellblock. Adding up the months, weeks, days... He regards the harmonica like a man confronted with a Martian artifact. He considers trying it out -- even holds it briefly to his lips, almost embarrassed -- but puts it back in its box untested. And there the harmonica will stay...>>完整场景
GUARD (O.S.) Lights out! The lights go off. Andy opens the tube and pulls out a large rolled poster. He lets it uncurl to the floor. A small scrap of paper flutters out, landing at his feet. The poster is the famous Rita Hayworth pin-up -- one hand behind her head, eyes half closed, sulky lips parted. Andy picks up the scrap of>>完整场景
[D'Souza] As for their famous showdowns, Hillary isn't mad at Bill for what he did.>>完整场景
And he says in this famous damning line in his opinion, ''Three generations of imbeciles is enough.'' No! Please! - [shouting indistinctly] - All right, deep breaths.>>完整场景
Jackson's famous, or should I say, infamous, Indian bill was brought forward.>>完整场景
Many of the most famous schizophrenics are calculating.>>完整场景
Well, you'll always be you, just another kind of you. You know? I want to be famous.>>完整场景
(a beat) And he was famous.>>完整场景
Your doctor? (icily) Did your doctor say anything about a tiny, undetectable hole in your aorta? Did he mention an irreparab- ly weak vein in the further reaches of your famous brain? Were there any prognostications about the possibil- ilites of a fatal collision on a golf cart or suffocating in an avalanche on a ski vacation in Gstaad?>>完整场景