
adj. 清洁的,干净的;清白的


My hands are clean in this.>>完整场景
Well, if you believe such things, there's a beast does the bidding of Davy Jones - a fearsome creature with giant tentacles that'll suction your face clean off and drag an entire ship down to the crushing darkness.>>完整场景
I left my Mama and joined the Navy to be a man. They made me a cook -- and not even that, really -- I clean up after the other sailors eat. I shine the officer's shoes. In two years, they've never even let me fire a gun.>>完整场景
EXT. MILITARY BASE - NURSES' QUARTERS - OAHU - DAY As the other nurses happily unpack, Evelyn leaves and crosses the grass in the drenching sunshine. We follow her into -- INT. BASE HOSPITAL - DAY She finds a small, immaculately clean hospital, twenty beds with luminous white sheets, all empty.>>完整场景
They didn't even clean up the counter oh, god!>>完整场景
He's clean.>>完整场景
Our information is that Castro is dead. There are maybe a few hundred die-hards in the Sierra Muestra; but government troops are going to clean them out any day.>>完整场景
Augustino takes them and expertly begins to clean and prepare them.>>完整场景
The Senator can be set up; but he thinks of himself as a clean politician. So it's got to be on terms he can live with: campaign contribution, donation to a charitable cause that he controls, things like that. If he gets even the inkling that you think you're buying him, he'll freeze up.>>完整场景
When I meet with Tattaglia's people; should I insist that all his drug middle-men be clean?>>完整场景
I frisked him; I've frisked thousands of young punks; he's clean.>>完整场景
He's clean.>>完整场景
Mike, they're gonna frisk you in the car. You'll be clean so they won't worry 'bout nothing. In the restaurant, wait and talk a while, and then ask permission to go. See?>>完整场景
The Kid's clean, Captain...He's a war hero, and he's never been mixed up in the rackets...>>完整场景
He's clean, Captain.>>完整场景
Ramiro was born here and Lorenzo wasn't, so he figures, the one with the papers, he should keep his record clean.>>完整场景
Here's a towel. Be careful, don't hit your head on the stove! We need to clean the kitchen before Mom comes home.>>完整场景
I told you not to clean up.>>完整场景
The manuscript's on the napkins that were with the coasters that you moved over from over there when I told you don't clean, don't clean, don't clean.>>完整场景
I could come over whenever you need me to and just clean... Like a maid.>>完整场景
- Um... I could clean.>>完整场景
Let me clean you off.>>完整场景
Another little ass to clean.>>完整场景
This isn't a very clean rest stop.>>完整场景
This here is the mess I'm having to clean up.>>完整场景