
adj. 清洁的,干净的;清白的


KING GEORGE V: She made him sublimely happy. I said: that was probably because she was sleeping with him. "I give you my word we've never had immoral relations." "As my son, as Prince of Wales, as my heir, do you solemnly swear your friendship with this woman is an absolutely clean one?" "I do", he said.>>完整场景
IRVING ROSENFELD Can we clean up this fridge? I mean, what are you causing trouble for all the time?>>完整场景
IRVING ROSENFELD (V.O.) (CONT'D) 12 INT. COSMOPOLITAN MAGAZINE OFFICES - DAY 12 Clean bright colors, huge blown up Cosmo covers -Sydney -- innocent, plain, slacks and blouse, hair back, nervously awaits interview.>>完整场景
SINO Clean Energy, super technology.>>完整场景
All of the people who we think of as gatekeepers, the lawyers, the bankers, the auditors, the people making good money to ensure that the markets are clean, weren't doing anything of the sort.>>完整场景
If everyone would clean their own doorstep, the whole world would be clean.>>完整场景
EXT/INT. SWAMP SHACK - DAY Edward pulls the door shut behind him as he leaves, but itbreaks off in his hands. It’s not the clean exit he was hoping for.>>完整场景
I have to clean them out every day.>>完整场景
It's clean and simple. No flashing lights.>>完整场景
And that's why it had to be, poison, right, Commander? 'Cause Lord knows, if you put a man with a serious coronary condition back on duty with a clean bill of health, and that man died from a heart related incident, you'd have a lot to answer for, wouldn't you, doctor?>>完整场景
No. I personally give the men a physical examination every three months. And every three months Private Santiago got a clean bill of health.>>完整场景
Commander, if I had a coronary condition, and a perfectly clean rag was placed in my mouth, and the rag was accidentally pushed too far down, is it possible that my cells would continue burning sugar after the rag was taken out?>>完整场景
Risk assessment is we have a clean mission status.>>完整场景
Man, I'm really not in the mood, Miss Burke. I'm clean.>>完整场景
- Clean your face first.>>完整场景
Clean your sweat like this, flaunt yourself... Practice by yourself.>>完整场景
Teaching Lebanese immigrant women how to clean houses.>>完整场景
The dogs sheepishly watch David clean up their sh*t.>>完整场景
Together, they put on a clean sheet. When they’re done:>>完整场景
180. The lean man leans on the clean bean plant to read a leaf leaflet.>>完整场景
I can't get clean.>>完整场景
Guy who got me clean was my uncle.>>完整场景
With great care the Dispatcher turns the knob on carriage until the paper comes out clean. Relishing his victory, he talks in Donald Duck voice.>>完整场景
341 INT. VAN 341 Agents press the man hard to the floorboards. His bag'stossed. It's empty. The guy's clean. It's not Claudio.>>完整场景
He's not getting kicked out of this country again. It's not a clean or artful fight. There's no karate. It's four men trying to tackle a bull, and... The bull gets away.>>完整场景