
adj. 偶数的;相等的;平坦的


Aides help Roosevelt from the chair, and the press people all see the President struggle on legs that have no strength, to the podium. His aides lock the steel clasps at the knees of his braces into place, and the President stands at the microphone. And suddenly, from the front, Roosevelt looks powerful, even majestic.>>完整场景
INT. MILITARY BASE HOSPITAL - DAY The once-pristine hospital with its glowing white beds is now a bloody chaos. Every bed is already full; there are burned and broken people on the floor -- soldiers, sailors, civilians, firemen, all mixed in together. People are dying everywhere, and screaming in pain, or moaning and begging for help. At first we don't see Evelyn, and wonder if she survived the glass; then we see her, flecks of her own blood dotting her face and arms. The blood of soldiers on her surgical apron. A steel calm has replaced her earlier frenzy, even as the other nurses are breaking down.>>完整场景
Still, even IN THE CHAOS ON THE SHIPS, the sailors struggle to survive, inventively. Men trapped on one burning ship use the severed barrel of a five-inch naval gun as a bridge to cross to the less damaged ship anchored beside them.>>完整场景
Rafe and Danny gun their engines and head back into the air, the grounded pilots firing a covering barrage and Earl even coming up with a 12-gauge shotgun to fire at the Zeros as they rush past.>>完整场景
A Zero comes up behind him, firing. Danny jerks his stick to maneuver but he's caught... Rafe comes in behind the Zero, chopping it up, even as he yells at Danny over the radio -->>完整场景
Oh sh*t, oh sh*t... He can't even watch.>>完整场景
Red runs out with his machine gun and keeps firing even when the planes have passed, trying to shoot them right up the ass.>>完整场景
INT. QUONSET HUT - DAY The other pilots run in, throw open the gun locker, and start grabbing weapons -- aircraft machine guns, ammo belts, one even grabs a rifle.>>完整场景
EXT. DECK OF OKLAHOMA - DAY As the listing grows more severe, sailors start jumping from the deck into the water. Still the Marines on deck are firing back at the planes; some Marines are even using handguns. But courage does not save them... THE OKLAHOMA ROLLS OVER The men still on its deck try to run, but it's not just the fires and the water they can't escape; the gun turrets' 1400 pound shells break loose with the capsizing of the ship and tumble through everything like massive wrecking balls.>>完整场景
EXT. AIR BASE - DAY Danny blasts through the main gate; the guards are too busy taking cover and haven't even closed the barrier.>>完整场景
EXT. DECK OF THE WEST VIRGINIA - DAY Dorie emerges into even greater carnage and confusion. A sailor, his body on fire, runs past and leaps into the oily water -- but it is in flames too.>>完整场景
She nods; she can't even say it. Rafe's dying inside.>>完整场景
His left hand is bandaged, but he is very much alive -- though seeing Evelyn has taken his breath, and even seems to have robbed him of the power to move. His eyes pick up every detail of her -- her face...her hands.>>完整场景
I wasn't gonna apologize, Sir. I was just gonna say it was worth it to feel like a real pilot again, even if it was only for five seconds.>>完整场景
EXT. MILITARY BASE HOSPITAL - DAY The nurses have sprawled to the ground; now even Evelyn is smiling.>>完整场景
And even before he tells her, she knows.>>完整场景
I left my Mama and joined the Navy to be a man. They made me a cook -- and not even that, really -- I clean up after the other sailors eat. I shine the officer's shoes. In two years, they've never even let me fire a gun.>>完整场景
Anthony and Billy are baffled, even more so when Red strides into the open, right outside the nurses' window.>>完整场景
Yamamoto nods; Genda speaks again into his radio, and another plane swoops down and drops a torpedo. Genda holds his hands to his ears, causing the others to do the same; even though they wonder at the need.>>完整场景
A friend of mine's in love with her. So you don't even look -- not ever.>>完整场景
Franklin Roosevelt. Born into great wealth. Fifteen years ago, he was stricken with polio. Now he cannot walk, or even stand without help.>>完整场景
PRESIDENT FRANKLIN ROOSEVELT appears, in a wheelchair, pushed by a huge black valet, GEORGE. The President's legs are shriveled, braced with the iron supports that attach to his shoes and are apparent beneath the cloth of his pin-striped pants. From the waist up Roosevelt is heavily muscled, powerful, and handsome even in his little spectacles. The valet rolls him to the head of the table; he's speaking even before he settles in.>>完整场景
INT. A MOVING TRAIN - DAY The trains of 1942 have their own beauty, with felt seats, shaded lamps, and paneled compartments even in the economy section. But the glow of the train is outshone by EVELYN STEWART. She's one of ten young women, Army nurses, gathered at one end of the car as it rattles along the track.>>完整场景
His father slaps him off his feet. Rafe is so horrified he can't get a sound out. Danny isn't even surprised. But when his father snatches him up again, twisting the overall straps so tight they choke him, he struggles. It does no good; his father starts marching across the field, dragging and strangling Danny.>>完整场景
The boys sit in it's cockpit, butts crowded onto the nail keg they've replaced the seat with. They've even attached a 2x4 as propeller, as if their imaginations needed any help. They wear overalls and have bowl haircuts: RAFE and DANNY, 10 years old.>>完整场景