
adj. 偶数的;相等的;平坦的


He doesn't even have the ambition to wipe out the whole Commission.>>完整场景
lt's not even 20 years. You've sold the casinos and made fortunes for all of us.>>完整场景
l didn't even know you, but missed you.>>完整场景
The Don happily regards his family; his sons and daughters and even some Grandchildren. He raises a glass.>>完整场景
Yeah. He wouldn't even go out to dinner. Just wanted to go home.>>完整场景
I didn't even know he had a brother.>>完整场景
(a pause as he thinks) Tell me, when Pop had troubles... did he ever think, even to himself, that he had gone the wrong way; that maybe by trying to be strong and trying to protect his family, that he could... that he could... lose it instead?>>完整场景
The Senators treat Cicci with a surface courtesy, as if he were a curious kind of animal, not really human. Cicci reacts to this by being even more brutally forthright than he has to be, to show his contempt for what he considers a hypocrisy.>>完整场景
This was a great man; a man with vision and guts; and there isn't even a plaque or a signpost or a statue of him in that town. Someone put a bullet through his eye; no one knows who gave the order. When I heard about it I wasn't angry. I knew Moe; I knew he was headstrong, and talking loud, and saying stupid things. So when he turned up dead, I let it go, and said to myself: this is the business we've chosen.>>完整场景
Mike knows it was someone within the compound that set him up for that hit. So nobody is to know where he is, not you, not Rocco, not even his brother Fredo. Sorry, Al, I know how you feel about Mike...but he still remembers Tessio.>>完整场景
Michael, these things are unimportant. Who should be the manager of a dime store, Joe or Jack? Unimportant. You do what you think is right. You're a young man, and I'm old and sick. What we do together in the next few months will be history, Michael; it has never been done before. We will do this historical thing together, and even your Father could never dream it would be possible. We are bigger than U.S. Steel, you and me... because in America, anything is possible!>>完整场景
(rising) We don't even expect thanks.>>完整场景
Several of the men wade down into the stream; Rocco helps, and even Tom steps down to get a better look at who they were. They are total strangers; Rocco examines the type of guns they used.>>完整场景
If what I think has happened is true; I will leave tonight, and absolutely no one will know how to contact me. And even you are not to try to reach me unless it is absolutely necessary. I give you>>完整场景
(English) See, Brother Carmello, even the church makes numbers.>>完整场景
Clemenza doesn't even bother checking for Vito's opinion.>>完整场景
(Sicilian) I know what you are thinking, Vitone, but you don't understand yet how things are. Fanucci is of the Black Hand. Everyone in the neighborhood pays him, even my father.>>完整场景
My offer is this. Nothing...not even the thousand dollars for the Gaming Commission, which I'd appreciate if you would put up personally.>>完整场景
Your children see you on weekends; your oldest boy, Michael Francis... was in some trouble with the Reno police over some petty theft that you don't even know about.>>完整场景
The Senator can be set up; but he thinks of himself as a clean politician. So it's got to be on terms he can live with: campaign contribution, donation to a charitable cause that he controls, things like that. If he gets even the inkling that you think you're buying him, he'll freeze up.>>完整场景
A black limousine pulls up, and before it has even stopped, the rear door flies open, and CONNIE attempts to run out, restrained by MAMA. She manages to break free and runs across the Mall into Michael's house.>>完整场景
Yes, but sons who would be professors, scientists, musicians...and grandchildren who could be, who knows, a Governor, a President even, nothing's impossible here in America.>>完整场景
Donkeys and other animals have been decorated with abundant flowers; children carrying candles and wearing white confirmation gowns walk in the procession, followed by countless townspeople, members of the clergy, even the police.>>完整场景
It's not like whiskey or gambling or even women which most people want and is forbidden them by the pezzonovante of the Church and the Government. But drugs? No. Even policemen, who help us in gambling and other things would refuse to help us in drugs. But...I am willing to do whatever all of you think is necessary.>>完整场景
You tell me what to do? Even he don't tell me what to do.>>完整场景