
n. 背部;后面;靠背;足球等的后卫;书报等的末尾


Lake Casa Blanca didn’t exist back then and Laredo doesn’t resemble the dusty, dry town of Lonesome Dove at all. When we left Laredo and started driving north on I-35 towards San Antonio the landscape looked more like it must have looked like to the cowboys. On both sides of the interstate were fields of cactus, mesquite, yucca and dust with few trees in sight. The railroad, which was built following the cattle trail that was used by the real cattlemen, runs beside I-35 most of the way to San Antonio. There are few towns and for miles and miles there was no sign of civilization except the vehicles on the interstate.
>> 2024-10 The metamorphosis from anxious wife
How is everyone doing ? I am coming here as one of the final resort to understand how to find an RoR remote job these days. I have been working remotely since 2020 and the market availability of remote jobs just seems to be going down each day now. I was living in the US earlier until 2022, and even working remotely required me to have a work visa dependency which was a struggle as sponsorship is not easy to come by. So I moved back to my home country and initially in 2022 there were tonnes of roles which you could work with or apply to considering having direct experience with the US market. I was working with a small bootstrap RoR product till the beginning of this year but had to leave because of really awful behavior from the startup owner. Since, then haven't been able to secure any interviews. I understand lot of people are facing the same these days but may be I am not utilizing all the possible resources to put my profile out there ? Does anyone have any suggestions on how to look for a new role ? I have over 8 years of work experience as a full time software engineer and 5 years of that I had worked on RoR stack. Would love to hear some ideas on how to approach this problem better.
>> 2024-10 The metamorphosis from anxious wife
The logic will be step No.1: I'm going to test my client's attitude because something your client is bluffing right? so I'm going to ask him : oh I'm sorry to hear that but please let me know what is your target price , how can I improve my price, and how much gap in there, so I will go back to my manufacturer and try to get more discount. maybe half half 50% of the clients they will tell you okay my target is like that or somebody is offering this much lower and you have to improve this much. so that's simply giving you a chance so in this case they were really bluffing with you.
>> Your price is way too high
The dream has come true. It’s now possible to build fast, modern web applications without transpiling or bundling either JavaScript or CSS. I’ve been working towards this personal nirvana ever since we begrudgingly started transpiling and bundling assets in the late 2000s. Browsers just weren’t good enough back then to avoid it. But they are now.
>> Rails8
But Rails 8 is not just about the better deployment story and database-backed adapters. We’re also making Propshaft the new default asset pipeline. Propshaft a is dividend from the mission to focus on #NOBUILD as the default path in Rails 7 (and offloading more complicated JavaScript setups to bun/esbuild/vite/etc). As the new asset pipeline it replaces the old Sprockets system, which hails from all the way back in 2009. A time before JavaScript transpilers and build pipelines as we know them today existed. And long, long before we could imagine browsers with stellar JavaScript implementations, import maps, and no constraints from many small files thanks to HTTP/2.
但是Rails 8不仅仅是更好的部署故事和数据库支持的适配器。我们还将Propshaft作为新的默认资产管道。Propshaft a是专注于#NOBUILD作为Rails 7默认路径的任务的红利(并将更复杂的JavaScript设置卸载到bun/esbuild/vite/etc)。作为新的资产管道,它取代了早在2009年就出现的旧Sprockets系统。在我们今天所知道的JavaScript转译器和构建管道存在之前的一段时间。很久以前,我们就可以想象浏览器具有出色的JavaScript实现、导入映射,并且由于HTTP/2而没有来自许多小文件的约束。
>> Rails8
Roy drove his bus into the back of it.
>> 35-Stop Thief!
He glances towards the glass booth and sees Lednicki with the technicians. He smiles. Lednicki nods, smiles back.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
INT. BACK STAIRS, RUINED VILLA - NIGHT Szpilman, a shadow, a spectre, creeps down the stairs.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
INT. ATTIC AND LOFT, RUINED VILLA - EVENING Szpilman enters, closing the small door behind him. He leans back, resting, recovering.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
INT. BACK STAIRS, RUINED VILLA - EVENING Szpilman, clutching the unopened tin, makes his way up the narrow, wooden staircase.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
He's in pain. He crawls across the back garden and climbs over the wall.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
INT. BACK OF RUINED HOSPITAL - DAY Szpilman goes to a window, jumps out. He twists his ankle.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
He pulls away and makes for the back of the hospital.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
Two German soldiers wander into his eyeline. He draws back a little but watches them warily.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
INT. ROOF, BACK OF BUILDING - DAY Szpilman clambers back into the building through the smashed balcony door. A couple of shots dangerously close.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
Szpilman, terrified, drops, involuntarily catching a lower edge so that his feet dangle above a balcony below. More shots. He drops on to the balcony and looks back.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
INT. ROOF, BACK OF BUILDING - DAY On the sloping roof, Szpilman clutches the skylight and has his feet in the roof gutter.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
He looks round, sees that the roof has been shattered, leaving a large, jagged gap. He climbs through the gap, on to the roof at the back of the building.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
A terrific explosion. His windows are shattered. Glass everywhere. He is thrown back across the room. Smoke begins to billow and fill the room.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
The whole building shakes. Szpilman reek back, falls, gets to his feet and crawls back to the window.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
The gun jerks back and there's a great roaring noise.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
In panic, he runs back to the window.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
The horse-drawn cab clatters out of his sight. He is about to draw back when he sees, directly beneath him, a man and woman walking with their hands in the air. Then, a German soldier, pointing his rifle at their backs, appears.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
When he turns back to look towards the T-junction, he sees a Panzerfaust anti-tank rocket firer poking out from a window in the next-door building but on the floor below.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script
Dorota goes to the kitchen, wets a towel, comes back to the bed, kneels it, places the towel on Szpilman's brow.
>> 钢琴家 The Pianist Movie Script