
adj. 愉快的;好的;虔诚的;优良的


Kareem serageldin from credit suisse he hit a few billion in mortgage-bond losses something most of the big banks did on a good day during the crisis mark, can we sell now?>>完整场景
My firms thesis is pretty simple wall-street took a good idea: Lewis raneiri's mortgage-bonds and turned it into an atomic bomb of fraud and stupidity that's on it's way to decimating the world economy how do you really feel?>>完整场景
Eighty million, eigthy million, that's good right?>>完整场景
That's not good.>>完整场景
Well... Nobody's buying cdo's and mortgage bonds anymore and everybody wants swaps, swaps are not he most popular product on the street that's good for us!>>完整场景
Ah, if you need the.. Ehm, files for 2005 mister field's suit is very specific to files from the past year good, then get out!>>完整场景
Kathy thinks it would be a good idea if we sold our shorts what else is new?>>完整场景
Good odds, in fact her chances of winning this hand are eighty-seven percent so, my odds are good I'm on a winning streak everybody in this place wants to get in on the action how could I lose right?>>完整场景
Showing eighteen, dealer showing seven that's a really good hand for Selena!>>完整场景
Ten million, because this hand is to represent a single mortgage bond okay, Selena has a pretty good hand here!>>完整场景
Let's just assume merrill and I have a... We have a good relationship you have a good relationship with merrill-lynch?>>完整场景
Business is good!>>完整场景
I hear the food has gotten really good in Vegas, they have a nobu now could you f***ing stop!>>完整场景
What can I say.. I, I'm, I'm, good at finding sh*t!>>完整场景
Jamie, very good!>>完整场景
Yeah, I took a good hard look at the cdo's you want to short.>>完整场景
That's a good thing right? That means that this vennett guy is not wrong!>>完整场景
And when you come for the payday, I'm gonna rip your eyes out I'm gonna make a fortune but the good news is Vinnie, you're not gonna care cause you're going to make so much f***ing money!>>完整场景
Look I'm a yield guy I make two thousand on a fixed rate prime but I can make ten thousand on a sub-prime adjustable trust me, I'm not driving that 7-series without strippers no-one on the pole has good credit, and they're all cash-rich.>>完整场景
How is wanting to eat good food, being chipper?>>完整场景
And not those frankenseeds from monsanto, I'm talking about good healthy organic seeds.>>完整场景
This salad's... oh.. Hmmm good!>>完整场景
Have a good one guys!>>完整场景
I got a good feeling about this just a meeting though, you know... It's just a meeting!>>完整场景
The guy with all the good ideas.>>完整场景