
adj. 舒适的,舒服的


And we've both got very comfortable homes.
>> Lady and the Tramp 小姐与流氓 1955 Movie Script
You get the urge for a nice comfortable scratch, and, "Put that dog out!
>> Lady and the Tramp 小姐与流氓 1955 Movie Script
But our company is not comfortable with this investment.
>> The Big Short大空头(2015) Movie Script
I've always been.. More comfortable..
>> The Big Short大空头(2015) Movie Script
EXT. THE ARMY POST - DAY Hagen and Pentangeli outside, by the electric fence. They cannot be overheard. Pentangeli takes out some cigars and offers Hagen one. Hagen takes it and Pentangeli lights both their cigars. They puff on them contentedly. They are comfortable together, almost.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
INT. CORLEONE APARTMENT AT THE TROPICANA - DAY Michael, Hagen, Neri and Rocco are seated in this luxury in the hotel. Michael sits in a comfortable chair in his apartment. Neri comes and brings him a drink without asking, but Michael refuses it.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
They all make themselves comfortable. A waiter with a tray of drinks appears.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
INT. HYMAN ROTH'S DEN - DAY Michael enters the den: it's very comfortable, but somewhat like a senior citizen's retirement home in Florida.
>> The Godfather: Part II 教父2 1974 Movie Script
DON'S BEDROOM (SPRING 1946) The DON is made comfortable in his room, which has all but been converted into a hospital room, with complete and extensive equipment. The various CHILDREN get a turn to kiss the OLD MAN, as he is made comfortable... and then SONNY indicates that all the CHILDREN, WOMEN, and CARLO should leave.
>> The Godfather教父 1972 Movie Script
I know the question that you want to ask But do not ever ask Have at least someone so you live with him, but I do not It was a hard day I hope you are comfortable couch Good night ! Sorry, sir, good morning I claimed I Nadlk Anna What is this?
>> 致命伴旅 The Tourist (2010) Movie Script
He is riding strongly, and she is comfortable in the back. They are getting stares from the people they pass, but Ashema seems to be enjoying the attention. Drew hits a bump, and Ashema holds his waist a little tighter. Neither of them mind – in fact, Drew starts looking for more bumps.
>> 花旗小和尚 American Shaolin (1992) Movie Script
Make yourself comfortable.
>> 美国往事Once Upon a Time in America Movie Script
MAN IN BLACK: Oh no. It's just that they're terribly comfortable. I think everyone will be wearing them in the future.
>> The Princess Bride Movie Script
But he looked again at Newt. The boy looked so lonesome that he was reminded of his own father, who had never been comfortable with people. His father had fallen drunk out of a barn loft in Mississippi and broken his neck. Call remembered the watch that had been passed on to him, an old pocket watch with a thin gold case. He had carried it since he was a boy. He raised up in his stirrups, took it out of his pocket and handed it to Newt.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
He lived in the tent all winter, keeping the men working but taking little interest in the result. Sometimes he hunted, taking the Hell Bitch and riding off onto the plains. He always killed game but was not much interested in the hunt. He went because he no longer felt comfortable around the men. The Indians had not bothered them, and the men did well enough by themselves. Soupy Jones had assumed the top-hand role, once Dish left, and flourished in it. The other men did well too, although there was some grumbling and many small disputes. Hugh Auld and Po Campo became friends and often tramped off together for a day or two so Hugh could show Po Campo some pond where there were still beaver, or some other interesting place he knew about. Lippy, starved for music, played the accordion and spent nearly the whole winter trying to make a fiddle from a shoebox. The instrument yielded a powerful screeching sound, but none of the cowboys were ready to admit that the sound was music.
他整个冬天都住在帐篷里,让工人们继续工作,但对结果不感兴趣。有时他会狩猎,带走地狱婊子,然后骑到平原上。他总是杀死猎物,但对狩猎不太感兴趣。他去了,因为他不再觉得和那些人在一起很舒服。印第安人没有打扰他们,他们自己也做得很好。迪什离开后,Soupy Jones担任了首席执行官,并在其中大放异彩。其他人也做得很好,尽管有一些抱怨和许多小纠纷。休·奥尔德(Hugh Auld)和波坎波(Po Campo)成了朋友,经常一起徒步一两天,这样休就可以带波坎波去看一个仍然有海狸的池塘,或者他知道的其他有趣的地方。渴望音乐的利皮演奏手风琴,几乎整个冬天都在用鞋盒制作小提琴。乐器发出强烈的尖叫声,但没有一个牛仔愿意承认这是音乐。
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
It was a wet snow, melting almost as it fell, but that didn’t make it much more comfortable.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Despite that ache, the thing that made July least comfortable of all was that he knew he was in love with Clara. The feeling had started even before he knew Elmira was dead, and it grew even when he knew he ought to be grieving for Elmira. He felt guilty about it, he felt hopeless about it, but it was true. At night he thought of her, and imagined her in her room, in her gown. At breakfast and supper he watched her, whenever he thought he could do so without her noticing.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
July now lived in a little room attached to the saddle shed. It wouldn’t do when winter came, but for summer it was all right. He had never felt comfortable in the house with Clara and the girls, and since Lorena had come he felt even more uncomfortable. Lorena seldom spoke to him, and Clara mainly discussed horses, or other ranch problems, yet he felt nervous in their company. Day to day, he felt it was wrong to have taken the job with Clara. Sometimes he felt a strong longing to be back in his old job in Fort Smith, even if Roscoe was no longer alive to be his deputy.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Augustus ate most of the fried chicken and marveled at how comfortable Lorena seemed to be. She liked the girls, and seeing her with them reminded him that she was not much more than a girl herself, despite her experiences. He knew that she had been advanced too quickly into life, though perhaps not so far to yet enjoy a bit of girlhood.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
As she blew on her coffee, she looked at Gus. She had spent many hours looking at him since he had rescued her. It was comfortable traveling with him, for he never got angry or scolded her, as other men had. In the weeks when she trembled and cried, he had expressed no impatience and made no demands. She had become so used to him that she had begun to hope the trip would last longer. It had become simple and even pleasant for her. No one bothered her at all, and it was nice to ride along in the early summer sun, looking at the miles and miles of waving grass. Gus talked and talked. Some of what he said was interesting and some of it wasn’t, but it was reassuring that he liked to talk to her.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Occasionally a cowboy would pass by, his spurs jingling. Some of them gave July a look, but none of them spoke to him. It was comfortable to sit in the saloon—as sheriff, he had usually avoided them unless he had business in one. It had always puzzled him how some men could spend their days just sitting in a saloon, drinking, but now it was beginning to seem less puzzling. It was restful, and the heavy feeling that came with the drinking was a relief to him, in a way. For the last few weeks he had been struggling to do things which were beyond his powers—he knew he was supposed to keep trying, even if he wasn’t succeeding, but it was pleasant not to try for a little while.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Roy and Ed almost got into a gunfight over a hand of cards. He offered to get them whores, for he had stayed friendly with several of the girls who had come over from Fort Worth, but the Suggs brothers weren’t interested. Drinking and card playing appealed to them more.Had it not been for the threat of July Johnson somewhere around, he would have let the Suggs brothers head for Kansas without him. He was comfortable where he was, and had no appetite for hard riding and gunfighting. But Dallas wasn’t far from Fort Smith, and July Johnson might arrive any time. That was an uncomfortable thought, so uncomfortable that three days later Jake found himself riding north with the three Suggs boys and a tall black man they called Frog Lip. Jake equipped himself with a new rifle before they left. He had made the Suggs brothers no promises, and as soon as he found a nice saloon in Kansas, he meant to let them go their way.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
July was hesitant about answering. Roscoe and Joe had both looked at him strangely as he left, and the look bothered him. It was as if both of them were his children—both looked to him for care. Only Janey seemed comfortable being left on the Canadian.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
He remembered how snug and secure the jail was, back in Fort Smith, how nice it was to come in slightly drunk and have a comfortable couch to lie on. It was a life he fervently wished he had never left.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
In the fading light, Call saw a horseman coming. It was Deets, which made him feel better. More and more it seemed Deets was the one man in the outfit he could have a comfortable word with from time to time. Gus turned every word into an argument. The other men were easy to talk to, but they didn’t know anything. If one stopped to think about it, it was depressing how little most men learned in their lifetimes. Pea Eye was a prime example. Though loyal and able and brave, Pea had never displayed the slightest ability to learn from his experience, though his experience was considerable.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇