
adj. 舒适的,舒服的


The subject of marriage was not one he was comfortable with.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Roscoe got up from his comfortable seat. If Elmira was indeed gone, that constituted a serious problem. Peach and Charlie stood there as if they expected him to do something, or tell them right off where she had gone.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Some nights, laying on the porch, he felt a fool for even thinking about such things, and yet think he did. He had lived with men his whole life, rangering and working; during his whole adult life he couldn’t recollect spending ten minutes alone with a woman. He was better acquainted with Gus’s pigs than he was with Mary Cole, and more comfortable with them too. The sensible thing would be to ignore Gus and Deets and think about things that had some bearing on his day’s work, like how to keep his old boot from rubbing a corn on his left big toe. An Army mule had tromped the toe ten years before, and since then it had stuck out slightly in the wrong direction, just enough to make his boot rub a corn. The only solution to the problem was to cut holes in his boot, which worked fine in dry weather but had its disadvantages when it was wet and cold. Gus had offered to rebreak the toe and set it properly, but Pea didn’t hate the corn that bad. It did seem to him that it was only common sense that a sore toe made more difference in his life than a woman he had barely spoken to; yet his mind didn’t see it that way. There were nights when he lay on the porch too sleepy to shave his corn, or even to worry about the problem, when the widow Cole would pop to the surface of his consciousness like a turtle on the surface of a pond. At such times he would pretend to be asleep, for Gus was so sly he could practically read minds, and would surely tease him if he figured out that he was thinking about Mary and her scratchy voice.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Though he was content to stick with the Captain and Gus and do his daily work, he found that the problem of women was one that didn’t entirely go away. The question of marriage, about which Deets felt so free to chuckle, was a persistent one. Gus, who had been married twice and who whored whenever he could find a whore, was the main reason it was so persistent. Marriage was one of Gus’s favorite subjects. When he got to talking about it the Captain usually took his rifle and went for a walk, but by that time Pea would usually be comfortable on the porch and a little sleepy with liquor, so he was the one to get the full benefit of Gus’s opinions, one of which was that Pea was just going to waste by not marrying the widow Cole.The fact that Pea had only spoken to Mary Cole five or six times in his life, most of them times when she was still married to Josh Cole, didn’t mean a thing to a bystander like Gus, or even a bystander like Deets; both of them seemed to take it for granted that Mary regarded him as a fit successor to Josh. The thing that seemed to clinch it, in their view, was that, while Mary was an unusually tall woman, she was not as tall as Pea. She had been a good foot taller than Josh Cole, a mild fellow who had been in Pickles Gap buying a milk cow when a bad storm hit. A bolt of lightning fried both Josh and his horse—the milk cow had only been singed, but it still affected her milk. Mary Cole never remarried, but, in Gus’s view, that was only because Pea Eye had not had the enterprise to walk down the street and ask her.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
Now he was hearing it, standing with his shirttail half tucked in, while someone else was making it with Lorena. Memories of her body mingled with the sound, causing such a painful feeling in Dish’s breast that for a second he couldn’t move. He felt almost paralyzed, doomed to stand in the heat beneath the very room he had been hoping to enter himself. She was part of the sound—he knew just what chords she contributed to the awful music. Anger began to fill him, and for a moment its object was Xavier Wanz, who could at least have seen that Lorena had a cotton-tick mattress instead of those scratchy cornshucks, which weren’t even comfortable to sleep on.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
“Well, it ain’t a holiday,” Call said. “Work to do. Me and Deets will go see if we can help them boys.” “That Newt surprised me,” Jake said. “I had it in mind he was still a spud. Is Maggie still here?” “Maggie’s been dead nine years,” Augustus said. “You wasn’t hardly over the hill when it happened.” “I swear,” Jake said. “You mean you’ve had little Newt for nine years?” There was a long silence, in which only Augustus felt comfortable. Deets felt so uncomfortable that he stepped in front of the Captain and went out the door.
>> Lonesome Dove 孤鸽镇
So I'm also thinking about all those little things that add-up to keep us comfortable or just amused.
>> 180°以南 180° South (2010) Movie Script
And-- and-- and I don't start to fart around the dinner table, you know, unless I really know the people there, and they're comfortable with it 'cause they understand that social etiquette.
>> Fart: A Documentary Movie Script
If something slipped out at dinner or in the car or something, I would laugh about it, and I would probably... It would make me feel like they were comfortable enough to do it and-- you know, I'm-- I'm not... gonna never call somebody again because they farted.
>> Fart: A Documentary Movie Script
- ( farting noise ) - ( laughter, applause ) Being a co-worker, we were at that comfortable level where we would, uh, fart around each other.
>> Fart: A Documentary Movie Script
- Make yourselves comfortable.
>> 倾城佳话 It Could Happen to You (1994) Movie Script
It's a good, comfortable bed.
>> 倒扣的王牌 Ace in the Hole (1951) Movie Script
Now Ellie looks at him. Both he and the kids seem so natural, so obviously comfortable and trusting with each other. She smiles.
>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
Could you guys possibly cool that for a - - Satisfied, Tim settles in for the night. Grant shifts too, getting comfortable, but something in his pocket pinches him. He winces and digs it out. It's the velociraptor claw he unearthed so long ago in Montana Yesterday, actually. He looks at it, thinking a million thoughts, staring at this thing that used to be so priceless.
>> 侏罗纪公园 1 Jurassic Park (1993) Movie Script
Finally finding a comfortable position, Grant puts his hat over his eyes, ready to take a nap.
>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
15 INT. PLANE - DAY 15 Grant re-settles, trying to get comfortable. Billy is across from him, finishing cleaning his camera lenses before putting them back in the ragged case.
>> 侏罗纪公园3 Jurassic Park 3 (2001) Movie Script
Two comfortable chairs. One for Madam Logue. She's a close friend of my wife. The Queen.
>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
52 INT. LIVING AREA, LOGUE'S FLAT - CONTINUOUS 52 Bertie looks around the cluttered, but pleasant room: comfortable furniture a bit battered by the boys, antimacassars to hide the wear spots on the arms, family photos everywhere, well-used Turkish rug on the floor.
>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
BERTIE (CONT'D) You call this making me comfortable?
>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
LIONEL (CONT'D) My lads build them. Make yourself comfortable.
>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
24 INT. LOGUE'S CONSULTATION ROOM - DAY 24 A totally different universe from the Spartan waiting area. A world of books - piles of them spilling everywhere. Two slightly shabby, but comfortable armchairs. Well-worn Turkish rug. Hotplate and two chipped mugs. Model airplanes hanging from the ceiling. Recording apparatus. The walls are pearl grey and smoky blue.
>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
ELIZABETH: (with sang froid) I'd be more comfortable in your office.
>> 国王的演讲 The King's Speech Movie Script
MARK is wearing a hoodie, sweatpants and Adidas flip-flops--a personal uniform that we'll come to understand. And while it may take us a while to notice it, MARK's a different person in these flash-forward scenes. Still tortured and complicated, but comfortable now with his own power.
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Zuckonit.com This is the only place he's comfortable.
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(continuing) Aunt Ginny. She said she feels like she's known me for years. I suggested that she might feel more comfortable if I were directly involved with the case. She had Louden sign the papers about an hour ago.
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